Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Rachel Boyer

Second Advisor

Holly Grieves


As we age, it is common for individuals to participate in less meaningful and purposeful occupations due to cognitive and physical declines. Research has shown that gardening is a popular leisure activity that offers many therapeutic benefits. This capstone project involved creating an evidence-based therapeutic gardening program for older adults at Care Resources. This community-based day center offers many activities and opportunities for participants to get involved with; however, after completing a needs assessment, it was clear that participants could benefit from more hands on and productive activities that help encourage regular attendance to the day center. The objectives of this project include creating and implementing therapeutic gardening group ac5vi5es along with an activity manual for the recreational therapy department to utilize. Funds were raised and a grant was applied for to help fund supplies and purchase materials to create an accessible gardening space. The feedback and participation from participants was extremely positive. This therapeutic gardening program showcases the benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration between the occupational and recreational therapy professions as well as providing more evidence that interventions such as therapeutic gardening can help improve quality of life and increase participation in leisure activities for older adults.
