Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Teaching, Learning, and Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Sue Poppink


Research was conducted in order to determine if extrinsic, cognitive or situative sets of variables could predict teachers' career decisions using the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS). Questions from the survey were divided into three cognitive perspectives: extrinsic, cognitive, and situative. Stepwise logistic regression analyses were used to predict group membership among those who chose to stay in their current position and those who left the profession.

Results for the extrinsic set of variables indicated that while the model was a good fit, the ability of the model to predict was low. Teachers agreeing that student behavior interferes with ability to teach and agreeing that student drop out rates were a problem were the most influential predictors of leavers in this set. Results from the cognitive set of variables indicated a slight improvement in the predictability of the model. Teachers believing that they did not have control of classroom decisions and lack of participation in workshops and conferences were significant predictors of leavers in a cognitive approach to career decisions. Results from the situative set of variables indicated the model did have the ability to adequately discriminate between the groups. Those who disagreed that they coordinate content with other teachers and those who do not feel that they have administrative support were more likely to leave. The significant variables from the extrinsic, cognitive, and situative analyses were placed into a logistic model. Participation in workshops and conferences appeared to be the strongest predictor of a teacher's career decision to stay or leave.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
