Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Teaching, Learning, and Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Van E. Cooley

Second Advisor

Dr. David Cowden

Third Advisor

Dr. Ronald Crowell


This exploratory investigation compared the personality traits uncertainty orientation and success orientation of Michigan principals with their risk-taking propensities. The personality traits were correlated individually with the risk-taking of principals and both traits were combined to examine their additive effect. The principals' personality traits and their risk-taking were also compared by gender.

One-third o f the public school principals in Michigan were chosen and targeted as subjects for study. The study concluded a significant positive correlation between uncertainty orientation and success orientation existed. The Pearson coefficient was r = 0.39. However the alpha level was a = 0.003. The findings provided a weak but significant positive correlation between uncertainty orientation and risk-taking for females. The findings provided a weak but significant negative correlation between success orientation and risk-taking for males. Reproduced

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
