Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Charles C. Warfield

Second Advisor

Dr. David Cowden

Third Advisor

Dr. Ralph Chandler


Many HRD professionals have pointed out that one of the most important elements for transfer of training to the workplace is management support. However, there is little discussion concerning management characteristics that support the transfer of training to the workplace. The purpose of this study was to investigate management characteristics that inhibit or promote the transfer of training to the workplace and to provide information regarding those characteristics to companies.

This study focused on one main question: Do management characteristics have an effect on management support of the transfer of training to the workplace? To answer this question, a study was conducted in which 153 middle and lower health managers responded to a survey. Data were collected from five health districts in Saudi Arabia.

Two management characteristics were chosen for this study: the managers’ level of education, and management training experience (the number of training courses that managers attended in their work experience). The study tested three dependent variables: (1) management’s commitment, (2) management’s reinforcement, and (3) management’s satisfaction concerning the transfer of training to the workplace. Differences between the two groups were measured and tested for significance using the t test for the independent sampling.

The results of this study showed a statistical difference between the managers’ level-of-education mean and the management’s commitment mean, indicating that the level of education has an effect on management’s commitment to the transfer of training in the workplace.

No evidence was found to support that management’s level of education has an effect on management’s reinforcement or management’s satisfaction regarding the transfer of training to the workplace.

No evidence was found that management training experiences have an effect on management’s commitment, reinforcement, or satisfaction toward the transfer of training to the workplace.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
