Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. William K. Redmon

Second Advisor

Dr. Alyce Dickinson

Third Advisor

Dr. Alan Poling

Fourth Advisor

Dr. John Rizzo


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a Performance Management (PM) intervention designed to improve the productivity and job satisfaction of clerical employees in a university admissions department. During the first phase of the intervention, supervisors applied a PM program which included an individualized daily goal setting and verbal feedback program. During phase two, graphic display of individual performance levels was added to the goals and verbal feedback program. Productivity was measured via daily self reports of tasks completed. Job satisfaction was assessed by taking measures prior to and following the intervention using the Work Environment Scale (Moos, 1981), a standardized assessment of subjective responses to working conditions. Results indicated that (a) individual performance levels improved over baseline with the addition of a daily goal setting and feedback procedure, (b) individual performance levels were highest when the graphic display of task completion was added, and (c) job satisfaction increased following implementation of the PM intervention.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
