Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Jim Sanders

Second Advisor

Dr. Roger Grabinski


Higher education has a history of preparing young people for responsible leadership. The interest of college students in their obligations to society may have diminished in the 1980's as college students become preoccupied with personal goals and career aspirations rather than participation in public service programs (Gardner, 1984; Astin, 1985). If students enrolled in institutions of higher education are to develop skills and competencies to equip them for living in the world beyond the university, they must learn to cope with the social, political and economic problems that will confront their generation (Williams, 1980).

On April 23, 1985, the Project for Public Community Service, Campus Compact, was established to help revive the commitment of institutions of higher education to provide public service. The formation of Campus Compact was a result of a national meeting of college and university presidents.

In this study, the purpose was to identify those administrative policies which were designed to facilitate public service in institutions with membership in Campus Compact and compare those policies with existing policies of the universities in the Mid-American Conference (MAC). Nine policies were identified: (1) admission preference for public service, (2) graduation requirements for public service, (3) academic credit for public service, (4) career advisory programs for public service, (5) faculty and staff activity in public service, (6) existence of a central coordinating office for public service, (7) opportunities for public service developed by students, staff and faculty, (8) evaluating public service and (9) attitudes toward volunteering. The Campus Compact survey was used to collect data regarding perceptions of public service policies and practices at MAC institutions.

Use of a Chi square analysis showed no statistical differences between MAC and Campus Compact institutions in faculty and staff involvement in public service as well as opportunities for public service developed by staff and students. However, since a lack of clarity exists in definitions of public service activities between and within institutions, meanings of significant differences is open to several interpretations. Findings of the study showed no differences between MAC and Campus Compact institutions in other public service administrative policies.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
