Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. David Cowden

Second Advisor

Dr. Carol Sheffer

Third Advisor

Dr. Daniel Gilmore


This study investigated the relationship between perceptions of fulfillment of self-actualization needs and job satisfaction among Michigan public elementary and secondary school principals. The general conceptual hypothesis was stated: "There is a positive relationship between public school principals' perceptions of how well their needs of self-actualization are being met and their perceptions of satisfaction with their job." Eight of the study hypotheses subdivided the population by dichotomies according to gender, age, length of experience as principal, and level of school administered. Four hypotheses tested for significant differences in correlation coefficients between dichotomy halves.

The population that was studied consisted of all public elementary and secondary school principals in Michigan. Three hundred forty-five principals were sampled from the population. Data were received from 312 of these principals, representing a 90% response rate. The study instrument was developed by the Macomb Intermediate School District.

Support was found for each of the eight hypotheses suggesting positive coefficients of correlation between the variables for each population subgroup: Males; females; less senior; more senior; less experienced; more experienced; elementary; and secondary. The statistical procedure utilized was the t test.

Support was not found for the four hypotheses postulating significant differences between dichotomy halves: Females with males; more senior with less senior; more experienced with less experienced; and elementary with secondary. The statistical procedure used required calculation of Fisher's z.

It is suggested that additional research be conducted on the variables of this study with other, perhaps non-professional, school employee groups.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
