Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Special Education and Literacy Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Elizabeth Whitten

Second Advisor

Dr. Luchara Wallace, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Dr. Wanda Hadley, Ph.D.


Post-secondary services, learning disabilities, special education, Saudi universities


This qualitative study explored the challenges and obstacles confronting students with learning disabilities who receive assistance from support service centers at Saudi Arabia universities. It also addressed the strategies and skills that students used to overcome these challenges and reviewed the recommendations for the further development of support services. The study was conducted in support services centers at two Saudi public universities in Saudi Arabia (Riyadh). The participants were five female students with learning disabilities and five female staff members at the support services centers.

The study used a semi-structured, faceto- face in-depth interview process to gather information.

Participants addressed several challenges confronting students with LD, including: (a) pre-university challenges, (b) academic challenges, and (c) social and emotional challenges. According to the participants, there are numerous supports students with LD received and strategies they used to overcome the challenges that confronted them. These include accommodations and academic support, social and emotional support, strategies and skills, and factors that enhanced the success of students with LD. To improve the services provided through the support services center, participants offered several suggestions, including: (a) awareness, (b) transition and online documentation system, (c) teamwork and diagnostic services, and (d) support sessions, workshops, and vocational training.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
