Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. John Austin

Second Advisor

Dr. James Carr

Third Advisor

Dr. Alyce Dickinson

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Kari McArthur


The effectiveness of video scoring and feedback about the scoring of the components of safe patient transfers was observed among eight nursing staff members in a skilled nursing department within an acute care hospital.

An ABCA (and sometimes ABCDA), multiple baseline across individuals design was utilized in the study. The dependent variable under investigation was the percentage of safe lifting components. Following baseline measures, nursing staff participated in an information phase during which they reviewed and discussed components of safe patient transfers. A video scoring phase was introduced, during which, participants viewed and scored a model video of a patienttransfer. Video scoring was not as effective in improving the safety of patient transfers for two of the participants during the video scoring phase as it had been for the other participants and a feedback phase was added for these two participants. Finally, a withdrawal phase was implemented for six participants to determine the long-term effects of the study.

The current study suggests that video scoring and feedback are effective in increasing the safe behaviors related to patient transfers and reducing the possibility of back injuries among health care workers in a skilled nursing facility.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
