

The Light — Signifies the simplicity behind the concept of light that many people fail to embrace and admire. This painting shows a terracotta lamp used in India from ancient times. A cotton wick burns with the help of the oil poured into the lamp to give a serene yellow light. The light from the sun, the light from a camp fire, the street lights, the light from a humble study lamp or the light from grand chandeliers; all have the same purpose. It illuminates and it enables us to see the world as it is. This simplicity and unbiased harmony of “Light” is an unnoticed quality that is similar to the hidden quality of humanity and brotherhood. No matter where we come from, we all stand for one purpose, which is love, peace, brotherhood and co-existence. Boundaries between countries were made for the ease of geographic studies. The color of skin or hair were just biological adaptations of human cells. Do not identify yourself with these simple parameters. Identify yourself as a member of the human race which, like the light is supposed to be harmonious to be capable of great things to make the world as it should be. Respect the differences we share and keep pushing forward together. Be the Light.

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