Date of Defense
Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies
The purpose of this research was to explore the current and future job market for Michigan's newly certified mathematics teachers. The first part of the research looks at four factors that could potentially contribute to the number of employment opportunities available: (1) the retirement of the baby boomer generation, (2) decreasing student enrollment, (3) increased state graduation requirements, and (4) increasing use of online educational programs such as Michigan Virtual High School. A survey addressing these issues was emailed to each Michigan public high school with a 10.7% response rate. Considering each of these factors, it appears that new hires will just barely replace retirees in Michigan public high schools. Given the number of test takers passing the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification, the pool of applicants will far exceed the number of openings in Michigan's public schools. To better understand the competitive nature of the job market, fifteen interviews were conducted with school personnel for the second part of the research. These interviews look at the hiring process, as well as the characteristics, skills, experiences, and actions that may give applicants a competitive edge.
Recommended Citation
O'Connor, Megan, "The Future Job Market for Michigan's Newly Certified Mathematics Teachers" (2009). Honors Theses. 1729.
Access Setting
Honors Thesis-Campus Only