Date of Defense
Date of Graduation
First Advisor
Amanda Sikarskie
Second Advisor
Patti Borrello
Third Advisor
Paula Metzner
"The Process of Preparing an Historical Exhibit Involving Textiles: Conservation and Mounting Techniques" This project revolves around textile conservation, with an undertone of collections management. The processes detailed are to serve as a guide for creating mounts for historic textiles and to give preliminary information on how conservation works and how to identify textiles that are appropriate for conservation and display. Addressed in this project are the methods behind choosing which textiles to exhibit, mounting different types of textiles, and the three basic types of textile conservation. Choosing objects for an exhibit requires thought and consideration, for the desired story of the exhibit, as well as the condition of the textile. Different types of textiles depend on different types of mounts to support them. The three types of conservation are dry cleaning, stabilization, and wet cleaning. The physical project is an exhibit that was installed in the textile gallery in Kohrman Hall on Western Michigan University's campus. The three distinct sections of the project were each given a section of the gallery, with an additional section dedicated to an activity. Installed in the gallery were textiles chosen for each section because they provided a great example of each method in the project. There is also a video accompanying the section on conservation.
Recommended Citation
Kelley, Emily, "The Process of Preparing a Historical Exhibit Involving Textiles: Conservation and Mounting Techniques" (2013). Honors Theses. 2253.
Access Setting
Honors Thesis-Open Access
bum roll and display arm
christening gown.JPG (6330 kB)
christening gown
conservation section.JPG (6291 kB)
conservation section
evening clutch.JPG (6418 kB)
evening clutch
interactive section.JPG (6115 kB)
interactive section
left half of exhibit.JPG (6239 kB)
left half of exhibit
mounting section.JPG (6377 kB)
mounting section
right half of exhibit.JPG (6596 kB)
right half of exhibit
silk dress.JPG (6542 kB)
silk dress
special thanks.JPG (6537 kB)
special thanks
sun hat.JPG (6560 kB)
sun hat
wedding dress_choosing objects section#C8CE.JPG (6551 kB)
wedding dress_choosing objects section#C8CE
VTS_01_1.mpg (356082 kB)
Video Presentation on how to clean historical garments
Photographs, video accompanying.