Date of Defense
Date of Graduation
First Advisor
Terrence Michmerhuizen
Second Advisor
Jeremy Heirholzer
This project was completed in the interest of comparing the current aviation gas (avgas) in use to a variety of unleaded options. The reason the industry needs unleaded avgas is because the lead that is in the current gas is harmful when inhaled and causes a variety of diseases and illnesses, and is degrading to our environment. The industry has been pushing for an unleaded alternative for a couple years now, and there are now a few options available. This paper explores a couple of those alternatives and compares the engine and emission data to determine if any of these chosen fuels have the potential to replace the current avgas.
Recommended Citation
Kerkstra, Hilary, "Aviation Fuels: The Importance and Potential of Unleaded Avgas" (2014). Honors Theses. 2416.
Access Setting
Honors Thesis-Restricted