Date of Defense


Date of Graduation



Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

First Advisor

Peter Gustafson

Second Advisor

James Jastifer


Subtalar arthrodesis is performed when cartilage in the talo-calcaneal (the ankle) joint is degraded in a patient and there are multiple approaches to this surgery. Using synthetic bone material, fixtures were cast from aluminum, using the process of evaporation pattern casting, and epoxy. This casting was used to grip the calcaneus bone of the foot in order to load it mechanically, simulating different scenarios that would be encountered during walking. The relative displacement of the ankle joint was measured using a digital image correlation (DIC) program that was modified to work in both two- and three-dimensional space. This program can be used for a multitude of medical, engineering, materials, and many other experimental applications. The results of this study will aid surgeons in performing this type of surgery to expedite patient recovery.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Open Access
