Dance Cross Training Benefits for Football Athletes
Date of Defense
Date of Graduation
First Advisor
Jane Baas
Second Advisor
Carolyn Pavlik
Dance Cross Training for Football Athletes is a video presentation created by Tenille Dellinger at Western Michigan University. This video explores the similarities of dance training and football training. In essence, it is designed to persuade the audience (football coaches) to include dance training in their daily workout regimen. The project details both the physical and health benefits of dance training and also relates stories about past and current National Football League players who have trained in dance and reaped the benefits of this cross training. The purpose of the video also is to encourage football coaches to consider hiring a dance professional to train their athletes in dance techniques, thereby giving their team a competitive advantage.
Recommended Citation
Dellinger, Tenille, "Dance Cross Training Benefits for Football Athletes" (2017). Honors Theses. 2879.
Access Setting
Honors Thesis-Open Access