Date of Defense


Date of Graduation




First Advisor

Anna Popkova

Second Advisor

Jane Baas


Although Millennials are not yet in their primacy as nonprofit donors, forward-thinking nonprofits are changing how they conduct business to better engage millennials in anticipation of their future rise to primacy. Accommodating the desires and expectations unique to the members of this generation is challenging for many organizations because effectively engaging with millennials requires a shift in organizational communication and engagement practices. This project seeks to build a body of relevant knowledge that can be used by Ministry with Community, a local nonprofit organization, to evolve its current engagement and communication practices to better appeal to local millennials. To build this body of knowledge, a literature review of best practices for millennial-nonprofit relationship development and maintenance was developed. Original research was also conducted to collect data on the opinions and behaviors of local millennials as they relate to charity, volunteerism and local social issues. Research findings were used to develop a series of practical suggestions for how Ministry with Community could can evolve its current communication practices to better appeal to millennials.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Open Access

Thesis presentation powerpoint, Sarah Piper.pdf (1348 kB)
Defense Presentation
