Date of Defense


Date of Graduation




First Advisor

Chen Wang

Second Advisor

Christina Stamper


This study examined the relationship between linguistic status and work outcomes including organizational citizenship behaviors and affective commitment, as mediated by communication competence, leader-member exchange, and psychological safety. The study examines nine hypotheses about these relationships, attempting to find differences in relationships between the mediators and outcomes among linguistic groups (monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual).

The study does not find support for the hypotheses, finding no difference between linguistic groups in either of the workplace outcomes, nor does it find strong support that communication competence, leader-member exchange, or psychological safety mediate the relationship between linguistic status and either of the workplace outcomes. The findings of the study do support existing research, finding a positive correlation between the mediators and workplace outcomes.

Although the hypotheses are not supported, the study still holds some practical implications for managers. Findings confirm the importance of workplace psychological safety as a predictor of affective commitment, as well as that of communication competence as a predictor of organizational citizenship behaviors. Findings still confirm leader-member exchange as a predictor of both affective commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors, although weaker than that of the aforementioned.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Open Access
