Date of Defense


Date of Graduation



Finance and Commercial Law

First Advisor

Norman Hawker

Second Advisor

Caroline Weaver


Since American law developed in the early 1700s, lawyers have played a crucial role in society, advocating for justice and upholding the rule of law. Over the years the legal profession has evolved immensely and now offers many different fields for individuals to practice. People are often curious about the work that lawyers do and the education that is required to become an attorney. This thesis aims to satisfy the curiosity of those individuals by exploring many facets of the different areas of law. It will examine the unique and shared aspects of the various legal fields, detailing the specific work that each area requires. Each area of law will be explored in terms of daily tasks, employment opportunities, salary expectations, working hours, career satisfaction, Masters of Law (LL.M.) programs, core courses, and leading institutions for aspiring lawyers. This thesis will allow individuals to compare the different areas of law and gain a greater understanding of each one discretely. Additionally, the section on criminal law will highlight the Innocence Project and the impact that it continues to make, and the opportunities that are available. By providing a comprehensive overview of the current legal profession, this thesis seeks to inform and guide individuals who are interested in a career within the field of law.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Open Access

Presentation.pdf (390 kB)
Defense Presentation
