Date of Defense


Date of Graduation




First Advisor

Kelly Wittenberg

Second Advisor

Michelle Metro-Roland

Third Advisor

Monty Ernst


The international students highlighted in this documentary have different stories with the same experience of studying in the United States. Some international students are at Western with family, making the transition easier for them whereas some are here alone, still trying to find the community that fits their identity. In this documentary, Western Michigan University’s (WMU) international students, will discuss their study abroad experience in the United States such as culture shock, negotiating native and new cultures and managing assumptions that Americans have about them or their cultures. Their stories will bring to light the reality of the study abroad experience in the United States and illustrate to Americans how they shape international students’ experiences.

In the documentary, international students compared social and societal differences between their home country and the USA, such as attire, food, and relationship building. Almost all international students agreed that Western Michigan University has supported them through their transition from their home country to the United States. The Associate Provost for Haenicke Institute for Global Education suggests that WMU should do more for international students by supporting them through community building. On the other hand, an interview with an American student will suggest that from a domestic student point of view, international students at WMU are treated unfairly in work conditions and opportunities. Some international students agreed with this hidden issue at WMU and gave suggestions on how the university can do better.

This documentary focuses on international students and their experiences while reflecting on how we, domestic members, view, interact and relate to international students on campus. Furthermore, this documentary highlights the issues international students face on campus so change can be made to improve the study abroad experience at the university level.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Open Access
