Date of Defense


Date of Graduation




First Advisor

Frank M. Gambino, Marketing

Second Advisor

Ann Veeck, Marketing

Third Advisor

Thaweephan (Duke) Leingpibul, Marketing


Food and Consumer Packaging Goods


As an Honors College Thesis research project, I would like to analyze data related to the benefits and barriers of students' participation in the Food & CPG Marketing Program. The data will be collected with class instructors' cooperation by inviting students in selected HCOB classes to complete the anonymous survey. The survey will be administrated electronically to all students enrolled in selected classes. The questionnaire will take about five to ten minutes to complete. Students will be invited to voluntarily submit their name and email addresses on the last page of the survey to be eligible for a drawing of 1 of 3 gift cards for $20 each, and to receive extra credit depending on what class they take it for. However, the students will not need to complete the survey to be eligible for the drawing. The name and email addresses will be delinked from the survey by Dr. Ann Veeck prior to data analysis. Students' names will never be linked to the data. Following collection of the data, I will analyze the data to compare the different perceptions of students in the major to those students not in the major. I will write and present a report to summarize my key findings and recommendations.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Campus Only
