Date of Defense



Political Science

First Advisor

Dr. Judith Whipple

Second Advisor

Dr. Richard Plank


In today's market, global relations is the norm for competitive business. My thesis topic was chosen because European action greatly affects the United States market. The second reason I selected this topic is because I traveled throughout Europe in April and May of 1995. I wanted to learn more about what I saw while I was there. The study of European unification proved to be a challenging and diverse topic. The actions and goals are changing so quickly that by the time I graduate this thesis will probably be out-dated. I want to thank Dr. Judy Whipple and Dr. Richard Plank for their support and help with this project. Without their input and expertise I would not have been so successful in my research nor would I have had the stamina this project required.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Campus Only
