Document Type




Presentation Date

Fall 9-20-2019


I applied for an Instructional Development Travel grant to assist me in attending the workshop Conversations on Color, September 27-29, 2018, at R&F Handmade paints taught by R&F founder Richard Frumes and nationally recognized painter Lisa Pressman.

This workshop provided me with a unique opportunity to participate in advanced intensive instructional paint and properties that will enhance my teaching within the Painting Area of the Frostic School of Art. The people co-teaching this workshop, Richard Frumes and Lisa Pressman, are experts in the painting arena of color. Richard, as a painter and paint manufacturer, understands the science and history of pigments. Lisa Pressman is an expert in color and painting as a nationally recognized intuitive, abstract painter. She and Richard have developed this workshop specifically to teach people how to teach color properties through research and active experimentation.


This poster was created for an Instructional Development Grant and was presented at Fall Convocation 2019.
