

In Part I (Herman, 1982) evidence bearing on the hypothesis that participation by the poor in social action organizations results in personal change was reviewed and found to be inconsistent and open to diverse Interpretations. In Part I It was observed that not all socizi action organizations are al ike and, thus, that participation is also of varied kinds and extents and may have different consequences for personal change. A typology of social action organizations forms (developed in Part I ) is used here to comparatively classify information on organizational characteristics and personal change drawn from eleven case studIes. The comparatIve review leads to three principal implications. First, it offers more support for the situational than for the sub-cultural perspective. Second, the review implies that the emphasis of both perspectives on the necessity of personality change may be inappropriate. Third, the review suggests personal change In the poor, either dispositionally or behaviorally, but especially the latter, Is much more likely in those organizations in which the poor are highly included and are sponsored by groups or Institutions with relatively few resources. Finally, the paper concludes with a few observations on the meaning and significance of social action organizations of the poor.

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