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Presented at:

BRASS Fall Thing


Four business librarians will share their experiences of retooling th ACRL Information Literacy frame "Information Has Value." This presentation will focus on four different learning approaches, pillars of persuasive argumentation, critical thinking discussions, a matrix, and role-play. One librarian outlines some of the problems with student understanding of the value of information based on the experience of teaching a massive 2500-student onboarding course for incoming Freshmen in which “Information Has Value” is addressed from both rhetorical and practical angles. Another librarian will present how they use “Information Has Value” in processes of reflection for decision making, exploring the frame through discussion. A third librarian will present the concept of competitive information in terms of how information has monetary value. As business librarians know, though there might appear to be an abundance of information freely available, business decisions often rely on costly market research or internal corporate intelligence built from years of industry experience. A fourth librarian will present on how different voices have their unique value and researchers should make an effort to seek multiple perspectives and make the underrepresented or systematically marginalized voices being heard. Participants will engage with multiple student-centered, classroom ready activities and take away handouts outlining how they can implement them in their instruction.
