Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. Vyacheslav G. Karpov

Second Advisor

Dr. Elena Lisovskaya

Third Advisor

Dr. David J. Hartmann

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Campus Only


Since the disband of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the study of religion in post-communist Russia has become a widely studied area in the social sciences. Previous research has found evidence of significant growth in indicators of religiosity (e.g., church affiliation), but most studies fail to take the next step, and explore reli gious influence in shaping Russian identity. The goal of this study is to explore Rus sian religious identity and its relation to Russian ethnic identity. Using a Russian na tional survey conducted in 2005 (n=2,972), I will analyze indicators of Russian reli gious and ethnic identity connectedness. This study will provide insight into the role of religion in Russia today, the influence on Russian identity, and what this reality says about the traditionally assumed relationship between modernization and seculari zation.

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