Date of Award


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Educational Leadership, Research and Technology

First Advisor

Dr. Kenneth Dickie

Second Advisor

Dr. Jack Humbert

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


One of the job roles in Michigan's system of public education is that of the Intermediate School District Superintendent. However, the definition of this job role and the skills required to function in it are unclear for those striving to attain an intermediate school district superintendency. This lack of clarity in the areas of interpersonal, conceptual, and technical skills, makes career planning difficult. In an effort to improve this situation, this intern elected to investigate the role of the intermediate superintendent as a public school, high management/leadership/administrative position.

The outcome of this investigation includes: (a) a clearer perspective of the position, (b) an awareness of some of the job-skills needed, (c) a means through which personal job-skills and talents can be accurately matched with those required, and (d) a personal understanding of the many different activities that are routinely a part of the superintendent's position.

This investigation has, ultimately, encouraged rational employment decision-making relative to this intern's future.

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