Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Janos L. Grantner

Second Advisor

Dr. Liang Dong

Third Advisor

Dr. Bradley Bazuin

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Campus Only


Advancement in automotive electronics in the past decade has been exceptionally fast. The introduction of standards like OBD (post 1996 United States automobiles) and EOBD (post 2001 European automobiles) have made automotive on-board diagnostics and controls essential on all cars and light trucks. However, the fact remains that this technology is limited to the basics like airbags, engine control, and anti-lock braking on lower-end cars while higher-end car owners enjoy the luxury of cruise control, blind spot detection, automatic parallel parking and the likes.

The objective of this thesis is to design an automotive electronic network which introduces modularity of Electronic Control Units (ECU) at the use-stage. This enables automobile users to add new electronic modules and easily integrate them into the existing automotive electronic network. The proposed idea is attained by designing a network of 8-bit microcontroller based electronic modules capable of sending data and receiving commands from Linux powered fan-less embedded system. Users can easily access the automotive network by connecting to the Linux system with a desktop, laptop, smart phone or any other electronic device consisting of a web browser.

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