47th International Congress on Medieval Studies (2012)

The Nine Worthies

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Arthurian Literature

Organizer Name

David F. Johnson

Organizer Affiliation

Florida State Univ.

Presider Name

David F. Johnson

Paper Title 1

Cognitively Colorful and Complex: Looking at Less Familiar Aspects of the Nine Worthies

Presenter 1 Name

Pamela S. Morgan

Presenter 1 Affiliation

Univ. of California-Berkeley

Paper Title 2

Embodying the Distant Dream of Empire: Model Statecraft in an Illustrated "Histoire des neuf preux"

Presenter 2 Name

Margaret E. Hadley

Presenter 2 Affiliation

Lawrence Technological Univ.

Paper Title 3

The Fortunes of War: Alexander the Great's Literary Conquests in the Later Middle Ages

Presenter 3 Name

Venetia Bridges

Presenter 3 Affiliation

Clare College, Univ. of Cambridge

Start Date

10-5-2012 3:30 PM

Session Location

Bernhard 208

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May 10th, 3:30 PM

The Nine Worthies

Bernhard 208