47th International Congress on Medieval Studies (2012)
Religions and "Races" in Contact
Sponsoring Organization(s)
General Session
Presider Name
Nina Rowe
Presider Affiliation
Fordham Univ.
Paper Title 1
Translating John to Medieval Spain: Why Muslims and Christians Venerated Saint John the Baptist
Presenter 1 Name
Adriano Duque
Presenter 1 Affiliation
Villanova Univ.
Paper Title 2
The Afterlife of the Hephaisteion: Transformation, Christianization, Revival
Presenter 2 Name
Jaqueline P. Sturm
Presenter 2 Affiliation
Princeton Univ.
Paper Title 3
De criminatione Iuliani Toletani contra Iudaeos: An Analysis of Anti-Jewish Rhetoric in the Writings of Julian of Toledo
Presenter 3 Name
Natalie Levin
Presenter 3 Affiliation
Univ. of Toronto
Paper Title 4
Converting the Monster: Imagined Racial Geographies in the Legend(s) of Saint Christopher
Presenter 4 Name
Jennie Friedrich
Presenter 4 Affiliation
Univ. of California-Riverside
Start Date
12-5-2012 10:00 AM
Session Location
Schneider 1325
Religions and "Races" in Contact
Schneider 1325