47th International Congress on Medieval Studies (2012)

Cistercian Teaching Appropriated and Transmitted

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Center for Cistercian and Monastic Studies, Western Michigan Univ.

Organizer Name

E. Rozanne Elder

Organizer Affiliation

Center for Cistercian and Monastic Studies, Western Michigan Univ.

Presider Name

Marvin Döbler

Presider Affiliation

Univ. Bremen

Paper Title 1

Spiritual Friendship or Rational Love? Lady Reason's Aelredian Teaching in Roman de la rose

Presenter 1 Name

Marsha L. Dutton

Presenter 1 Affiliation

Ohio Univ.

Paper Title 2

Honoring the Stages of Spiritual Formation: William of Saint Thierry's Legacy in the Sermons of Johannes Tauler

Presenter 2 Name

Glenn E. Myers

Presenter 2 Affiliation

Crown College

Start Date

13-5-2012 10:30 AM

Session Location

Fetzer 1040

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May 13th, 10:30 AM

Cistercian Teaching Appropriated and Transmitted

Fetzer 1040