Chant and Liturgy: Papers in Memory of Michel Huglo II
Sponsoring Organization(s)
Musicology at Kalamazoo
Organizer Name
Anna Kathryn Grau, Cathy Ann Elias, Daniel J. DiCenso
Organizer Affiliation
DePaul Univ., DePaul Univ., College of the Holy Cross
Presider Name
Daniel J. DiCenso
Paper Title 1
The Post-Pentecost "Harvest" Communions
Presenter 1 Name
William Peter Mahrt
Presenter 1 Affiliation
Stanford Univ.
Paper Title 2
Theologizing in Music and Words: The Offices in Honor of Saint Knud Lavard
Presenter 2 Name
Nils Holger Petersen
Presenter 2 Affiliation
Københavns Univ.
Paper Title 3
Further Thoughts on Graz 807 and Vienna 13314
Presenter 3 Name
Michael L. Norton
Presenter 3 Affiliation
James Madison Univ.
Start Date
11-5-2013 3:30 PM
Session Location
Schneider 1345
May 11th, 3:30 PM
Chant and Liturgy: Papers in Memory of Michel Huglo II
Schneider 1345