Spirituality Embodied: Encounters of Spirit and Flesh

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Magistra: A Journal of Women's Spirituality in History

Organizer Name

Judith Sutera, OSB

Organizer Affiliation

Magistra Publications

Presider Name

Judith Sutera, OSB

Paper Title 1

Growing Wings like Eagles: Praxis as Process in the Teaching of Amma Syncletica

Presenter 1 Name

Rachel Wheeler

Presenter 1 Affiliation

Graduate Theological Union

Paper Title 2

The Anatomy of Monasticism: The Corpus of Hildegard of Bingen's Medical Practice

Presenter 2 Name

Brianna Marron

Presenter 2 Affiliation

Franciscan School of Theology

Paper Title 3

Deconstructing Dualisms: The Relationship of Physical and Emotional Suffering in the Writings of Angela of Foligno

Presenter 3 Name

Sasha Snowden

Presenter 3 Affiliation

Franciscan School of Theology, Graduate Theological Union

Paper Title 4

God Placed Cloisters on my Hearing: Teresa de Cartagena's Spirituality of Deafness

Presenter 4 Name

Hilary Pearson

Presenter 4 Affiliation

Somerville College, Univ. of Oxford

Start Date

9-5-2014 1:30 PM

Session Location

Valley III Stinson Lounge


The session will explore the different ways that women mystics perceive the interaction of body and spirit in their spiritualities: Amma Syncletica, Hildegard, Angela of Foligno and Teresa of Cartagena.

Judith Setera

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May 9th, 1:30 PM

Spirituality Embodied: Encounters of Spirit and Flesh

Valley III Stinson Lounge

The session will explore the different ways that women mystics perceive the interaction of body and spirit in their spiritualities: Amma Syncletica, Hildegard, Angela of Foligno and Teresa of Cartagena.

Judith Setera