The Aftermath of the Templars
Sponsoring Organization(s)
Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML)
Organizer Name
Theresa M. Vann
Organizer Affiliation
St. John's Univ.
Presider Name
Matthew Z. Heintzelman
Presider Affiliation
Hill Museum & Manuscript Library
Paper Title 1
Memories of the Templars in Britain: Templar Charters in Hospitaller Records after the Dissolution of the Templars
Presenter 1 Name
Helen J. Nicholson
Presenter 1 Affiliation
Cardiff Univ.
Paper Title 2
Seeking Lost Templars in Hospitaller Archives
Presenter 2 Name
Theresa M. Vann
Paper Title 3
Templars and Hospitallers during the Mastership of Fulk of Villaret
Presenter 3 Name
Paul F. Crawford
Presenter 3 Affiliation
California Univ. of Pennsylvania
Start Date
9-5-2014 1:30 PM
Session Location
Schneider 1140
: Jacques de Molay, the last Master of the Order of the Temple, was burned at the stake on March 1314. Now, 700 years later, people still ask what became of the Templars. Devotees of Dan Brown are unwilling to accept the prosaic explanation that the surviving Templar knights were, along with their properties, absorbed into the Order of the Hospital. Meanwhile, concentration upon the spectacular end of the Templar Order has diverted scholarly attention from evidence that their sometime rivals, the Order of the Hospital, anticipated a similar catastrophe. This panel will explore the scholarly evidence for the presumed absorption of the Templars into the Order of the Hospital and the Hospitallers concerns about their future.
Theresa Vann
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The Aftermath of the Templars
Schneider 1140
: Jacques de Molay, the last Master of the Order of the Temple, was burned at the stake on March 1314. Now, 700 years later, people still ask what became of the Templars. Devotees of Dan Brown are unwilling to accept the prosaic explanation that the surviving Templar knights were, along with their properties, absorbed into the Order of the Hospital. Meanwhile, concentration upon the spectacular end of the Templar Order has diverted scholarly attention from evidence that their sometime rivals, the Order of the Hospital, anticipated a similar catastrophe. This panel will explore the scholarly evidence for the presumed absorption of the Templars into the Order of the Hospital and the Hospitallers concerns about their future.
Theresa Vann