Rethinking Reform II: Councils as Context, Catalyst, and Communicator of Reform

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Iuris Canonici Medii Aevi Consociatio (ICMAC), the International Society of Medieval Canon Law

Organizer Name

William L. North

Organizer Affiliation

Carleton College

Presider Name

Maureen C. Miller

Presider Affiliation

Univ. of California-Berkeley

Paper Title 1

Prelates, the Curia, and Reform in the Councils of Alexander III

Presenter 1 Name

Danica Summerlin

Presenter 1 Affiliation

Stephan Kuttner Institute of Medieval Canon Law

Paper Title 2

The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 as a Problem of Papal Communication

Presenter 2 Name

Jeffrey Wayno

Presenter 2 Affiliation

Columbia Univ.

Paper Title 3

Why Didn't Lateran V Anticipate the Reformation?

Presenter 3 Name

Norman Tanner

Presenter 3 Affiliation

Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana

Paper Title 4


Presenter 4 Name

Robert Somerville

Presenter 4 Affiliation

Columbia Univ.

Start Date

10-5-2014 10:00 AM

Session Location

Valley II Garneau Lounge

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May 10th, 10:00 AM

Rethinking Reform II: Councils as Context, Catalyst, and Communicator of Reform

Valley II Garneau Lounge