The Bible in the Byzantine World

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Society for the Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages (SSBMA)

Organizer Name

Aaron Canty

Organizer Affiliation

St. Xavier Univ.

Presider Name

Paul C. Hilliard

Presider Affiliation

Univ. of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein Seminary

Paper Title 1

Byzantine Readings of St. Paul’s Epistles

Presenter 1 Name

Steven R. Cartwright

Presenter 1 Affiliation

Western Michigan Univ.

Paper Title 2

Saint Paul’s Rapture and the Spiritual Senses: Symeon the New Theologian on 2 Corinthians 2:2-10

Presenter 2 Name

Aaron Canty

Paper Title 3

Image as Exegesis: The Anachronistic Miniature of MS Vat. gr. 752

Presenter 3 Name

Kelsey Eldridge

Presenter 3 Affiliation

Univ. of Washington-Seattle

Start Date

8-5-2014 1:30 PM

Session Location

Bernhard 211

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May 8th, 1:30 PM

The Bible in the Byzantine World

Bernhard 211