New Perspectives on Catherine of Siena and Her Female Contemporaries

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Vernacular Devotional Cultures Group

Organizer Name

Catherine Annette Grisé

Organizer Affiliation

McMaster Univ.

Presider Name

Stephanie Amsel

Presider Affiliation

Southern Methodist Univ.

Paper Title 1

Sponsa Hominis et Sponsa Christi: Sacramental Marriage and the Bride of Christ

Presenter 1 Name

Chelsea Skalak

Presenter 1 Affiliation

Dickinson College

Paper Title 2

The Orcherd of Syon and Native English Mystics

Presenter 2 Name

Carol F. Heffernan

Presenter 2 Affiliation

Rutgers Univ.-Newark

Paper Title 3

Catherine and Her "Figlie" as Women Writers

Presenter 3 Name

Lisa Vitale

Presenter 3 Affiliation

Southern Connecticut State Univ.

Start Date

14-5-2016 3:30 PM

Session Location

Fetzer 2040


New Perspectives on Catherine of Siena and her Contemporaries

This interdisciplinary session showcases recent work on Catherine of Siena and her visionary and literary connections to Bridget of Sweden, Julian of Norwich, and Margery Kempe. The papers will explore the ways in which her life and work and the work of her contemporaries expanded traditional patriarchal boundaries, resonated with contemporary ideas about lay and spiritual marriage, and demonstrated female patterns of influence and collaboration.


Valerie Lagorio's retirement as editor of Mystics Quarterlyhas left a gap in the offerings of Kalamazoo sessions for recent work on late-medieval vernacular devotional literature and culture. We wish to fill that gap by sponsoring sessions at Kalamazoo that highlight the role of vernacular devotional culture--championed by female visionaries, but also written and disseminated by clerics and monks, and read by women religious as well as the laity.

We are sponsoring one session in Kalamazoo 2016 for scholars and students of late-medieval, vernacular devotional culture. We wish to complement the work being done by such groups as the Syon Abbey Society, the Lollard Society, and the Anchoritic Society. It is our hope that at the 2016 Congress we will generate enough interest to launch officially a Vernacular Devotional Cultures Group that will have a continued presence at Kalamazoo.

If you are interested in being put on the mailing list for the new Vernacular Devotional Cultures Group please send your contact information, affiliation, and research interests to Cathy Grisé ( and Barbara Zimbalist (

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May 14th, 3:30 PM

New Perspectives on Catherine of Siena and Her Female Contemporaries

Fetzer 2040

New Perspectives on Catherine of Siena and her Contemporaries

This interdisciplinary session showcases recent work on Catherine of Siena and her visionary and literary connections to Bridget of Sweden, Julian of Norwich, and Margery Kempe. The papers will explore the ways in which her life and work and the work of her contemporaries expanded traditional patriarchal boundaries, resonated with contemporary ideas about lay and spiritual marriage, and demonstrated female patterns of influence and collaboration.


Valerie Lagorio's retirement as editor of Mystics Quarterlyhas left a gap in the offerings of Kalamazoo sessions for recent work on late-medieval vernacular devotional literature and culture. We wish to fill that gap by sponsoring sessions at Kalamazoo that highlight the role of vernacular devotional culture--championed by female visionaries, but also written and disseminated by clerics and monks, and read by women religious as well as the laity.

We are sponsoring one session in Kalamazoo 2016 for scholars and students of late-medieval, vernacular devotional culture. We wish to complement the work being done by such groups as the Syon Abbey Society, the Lollard Society, and the Anchoritic Society. It is our hope that at the 2016 Congress we will generate enough interest to launch officially a Vernacular Devotional Cultures Group that will have a continued presence at Kalamazoo.

If you are interested in being put on the mailing list for the new Vernacular Devotional Cultures Group please send your contact information, affiliation, and research interests to Cathy Grisé ( and Barbara Zimbalist (