Cantus Hackathon: Create an Inventory with the Cantus Database in Real Time (A Workshop)
Sponsoring Organization(s)
Cantus: A Database for Latin Ecclesiastical Chant
Organizer Name
Debra Lacoste, Kate Helsen
Organizer Affiliation
Univ. of Waterloo, Western Univ.
Presider Name
Debra Lacoste
Paper Title 1
Workshop Leader
Presenter 1 Name
Kate Helsen
Start Date
12-5-2017 1:30 PM
Session Location
Waldo Library Classroom A
Have you ever wondered how to make your own inventory of a chant manuscript? Would you like to see how the fragment on your office wall fits into European liturgical traditions?
Participants of this workshop session will receive guest logins to Cantus and basic instructions for indexing a medieval musical source online. Manuscript images will be provided, and by the end of the session, the successful contributions of participants might even become the start of a new Cantus inventory!
After a brief introduction to the site, including its usefulness in the teaching of graduate seminars on chant, we will pair up the participants on two computers (one for manuscript images and the other for the Cantus data-entry website). Then, we will “Make History with History” as we enter chant records directly into Cantus from a source that has not yet been indexed. After the session, we will invite feedback concerning usability and functionality of the Data-Entry Input software and the Cantus website in general.
Debra S. Lacoste
Cantus Hackathon: Create an Inventory with the Cantus Database in Real Time (A Workshop)
Waldo Library Classroom A
Have you ever wondered how to make your own inventory of a chant manuscript? Would you like to see how the fragment on your office wall fits into European liturgical traditions?
Participants of this workshop session will receive guest logins to Cantus and basic instructions for indexing a medieval musical source online. Manuscript images will be provided, and by the end of the session, the successful contributions of participants might even become the start of a new Cantus inventory!
After a brief introduction to the site, including its usefulness in the teaching of graduate seminars on chant, we will pair up the participants on two computers (one for manuscript images and the other for the Cantus data-entry website). Then, we will “Make History with History” as we enter chant records directly into Cantus from a source that has not yet been indexed. After the session, we will invite feedback concerning usability and functionality of the Data-Entry Input software and the Cantus website in general.
Debra S. Lacoste