Hiding in the Chanson de Geste

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Société Rencesvals, American-Canadian Branch

Organizer Name

Hillary Engelhart, Ana Grinberg

Organizer Affiliation

Univ. of Wisconsin-Fox Valley, East Tennessee State Univ.

Presider Name

Mercedes Vaquero

Presider Affiliation

Brown Univ.

Paper Title 1

Un jeu de cache-cache, Hiding in a Chanson de Geste from the Fifteenth Century: The Croniques et conquestes de Charlemaine from David Aubert

Presenter 1 Name

Valérie Guyen-Croquez

Presenter 1 Affiliation

Independent Scholar

Paper Title 2

"Au chevauchier samble mal barbarin": Disguise and Hiding in Chansons de Geste

Presenter 2 Name

Ana Grinberg

Start Date

11-5-2017 1:30 PM

Session Location

Sangren 1320


At the level of plot, the romance epic includes a plethora of characters in disguise and the use of deceits to move the narratives forward, providing both intrigue and humor. But also, more subtly, these texts bear witness to sources, influences, and outside motives hidden beneath the more conspicuous desire to entertain through a traditional format. This session invites papers that examine how texts, authors, and audience negotiated the many levels of things hidden in the romance epic.

Ana Grinberg

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May 11th, 1:30 PM

Hiding in the Chanson de Geste

Sangren 1320

At the level of plot, the romance epic includes a plethora of characters in disguise and the use of deceits to move the narratives forward, providing both intrigue and humor. But also, more subtly, these texts bear witness to sources, influences, and outside motives hidden beneath the more conspicuous desire to entertain through a traditional format. This session invites papers that examine how texts, authors, and audience negotiated the many levels of things hidden in the romance epic.

Ana Grinberg