

Reading back over that I find myself feeling strangely in the face of fiction. Not so, though, I promise you. The quotes are paraphrased, granted, since I don't have total recall, but the style, the content, the interest and dedication are all there. This is the recycling of the Interdisciplinary Humanities faculty at Converse. It might also be considered as the reorienting of the Humanities students at Converse, if they were aware of another humanities prior to this. Most of them find the Contemporary Humanities, or Interdisciplinary Humanities, a new ball of wax, and they are to a man ( or woman-Converse is a private liberal arts women's college) like bees building hives with it: busy, involved, excited, and alive to the promise that the program has for them. For student and faculty alike a definite recycling is taking place and the results thus far have been extremely beneficial to all.
