Content Posted in 2009
A Bibliography of Medieval Jewish Women in History, Literature, and Art
Abominable Mingling: Father-Daughter Incest and the Law, Megan McLaughlin
A Brief History of MFN and SMFS , Bonnie Krueger and Beth Robertson
A Course on "Women in Medieval Art and Literature", Madeline Caviness and Chalres G. Nelson
Addressing the Issue of Lesbianism in a General Course on Women in the Middle Ages, Sylvia Huot
A Delightful Inheritance: Female Agency and the Disputatio Tradition in the Hortus deliciarum, Sarah Celentano Parker
"A Disgrace for All Jewish Men:" Preliminary Considerations for the Study of Wife-Beating in Jewish History, Howard Adelman
Afterward: Memory in Feminist Cultures, Bonnie Wheeler
Alan Lupack and Barbara Tepa Lupack, King Arthur in America. D.S. Brewer, 1999, Natalie Grinnell
Alan Lupack, Arthurian Literature by Women. Garland, 1999 , Alison Langdon
Alan Lupack, New Directions in Arthurian Studies. Arthurian Studies, 51. D.S. Brewer, 2002, Janet Knepper
Alcuin Blamires, The Case for Women in Medieval Culture. Clarendon Press, 1997 , Barbara K. Altmann
Alexandra Cuffel, Gendering Disgust in Medieval Religious Polemic. University of Notre Dame Press, 2007, Kate McGrath
Alfred P. Smyth, King Alfred the Great. Oxford University Press, 1995 , Carol Braun Pasternack
Allen J. Frantzen and John D. Niles, eds., Anglo-Saxonism and the Construction of Social Identity. University Press of Florida, 1997, Gillian R. Overing
Allison Levy. Re-Membering Masculinity in Early Modern Florence: Widowed Bodies, Mourning and Portraiture. (Women and Gender in the Early Modern World.) Ashgate, 2006., Elizabeth L'Estrange
A Look at the Life and Work of Sylvia L. Thrupp (1903-1997), Medieval Historian and Social Scientist, Caroline M. Barron and Joel T. Resenthal
Amazons and Guérillères, Sarah Westphal
A Mexican-American Feminist Medievalist, Lisa Dominguez
An Art Historical Response to 'Gay Studies and Feminism: A Medievalist's Perspective', Diane Wolfthal
Andrea Pearson, Envisioning Gender in Burgundian Devotional Art, 1350-1530: Experience, Authority, Resistance. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Ashgate, 2005, Harriet M. Sonne de Torrens
Andrew Galloway, Medieval Literature and Culture. (Introductions to British Literature and Culture.) Continuum, 2006, Rachel E. Frier
An Entrepreneurial Approach to the Job Market, Anne Clark Bartlett
Anglo Saxon Studies: Gender and Power: Feminism in Old English Studies, Gillian Overing and Helen Bennett
Anke Bernau, Medieval Virginities. University of Toronto Press, 2003, Jennifer N. Brown
Anna Klosowska, ed. and trans., Madeleine de l’Aubespine: Selected Poems and Translations: A Bilingual Edition. (The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe.) University of Chicago Press, 2007, Elizabeth A. Hubble
Anne Bagnall Yardley, Performing Piety: Musical Culture in Medieval English Nunneries. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillian, 2006, Cynthia Cyrus
Anne Callahan, Writing the Voice of Pleasure: Heterosexuality without Women. Palgrave, 2001, Lisa Perfetti
Anneke B. Mulder-Bakker, ed., Seeing and Knowing: Women and Learning in Medieval Europe, 1200-1550. Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts. Brepols, 2004, Christine M. Roe
Anneke B. Mulder-Bakker, Lives of the Anchoresses. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005, Lara Farina
Anne L. McClanan and Karen Rosof Encarnación, eds., The Material Culture of Sex, Procreation, and Marriage in Premodern Europe. Palgrave, 2002, Jacqueline Murray
Anne Winston-Allen, Convent Chronicles: Women Writing about Women and Reform in the Late Middles Ages. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004., Elizabeth A. Lehfeldt
Ann Marie Rasmussen, Mothers and Daughters in Medieval German Literature. Syracuse University Press, 1997, Margaret Schleissner
Ann McMillan, trans., Geoffrey Chaucer, The Legend of Good Women. Rice University Press, 1987, Elaine Tuttle Hansen
Announcements, vol.43 no.1 2007
Announcements, vol.43 no.2 2007
A Note on Becoming a Feminist Philologist, Sarah Westphal and Janine Rogers
Anthony Luttrell and Helen J. Nicholson, eds., Hospitaller Women in the Middle Ages. Ashgate, 2006, Candace Gregory-Abbott
Antonia Harbus, Helena of Britain in Medieval Legend. D.S. Brewer, 2002 , Catherine E. Karkov
A Question of Honor: Eufeme's Transgressions in Le Roman De Silence, Kristin L. Burr
A Report from the President: Kalamazoo 1996 , Pamela Sheingorn
A Response: Queer Medievalism: Why and Whither? , Sarah Salih
Are There Benefits to Marginality?, Laura Howes
Are We Queer? Are We Medieval? The Need to Be All Things to All People, Stephen Morris
A Tribute to Mary Martin McLaughlin, Joan Cadden
Augustine Thompson, Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes, 1125-1325. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005, Catherine M. Mooney
Background Statements: "Show Me the Money" Participants
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.28 1999
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.29 2000
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.30 2000
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.31 2001
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.32 2001
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.33 2002
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.34 2002
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.35 2003
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.36 2003
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.37 2004
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.38 2004
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.39 2005
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.40 2005
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.41 2006
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.42 2006
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.43 no.1 2007
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.43 no.2 2007
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.44 no.1 2008
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.44 no.2 2008
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.45 no.1 2009
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.10 1990
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.11 1991
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.12 1991
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.13 1992
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.14 1992
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.15 1993
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.16 1993
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.17 1994
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.18 1994
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.19 1995
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.20 1995
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.21 1996
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.2 1986
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.22 1996
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.23 1997
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.24 1997
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.25 1998
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.27 1999
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.3 1987
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.4 1987
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.5 1988
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.6 1988
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.7 1989
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.8 1989
Back Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.9 1990
Back Then, Who Would Have Thought?, Joel T. Rosenthal
Barbara F. Weissberger, Isabel Rules: Constructing Queenship, Wielding Power. University of Minnesota Press, 2004, Denise Filios
Barbara K. Altmann and R. Barton Palmer, ed. and trans., An Anthology of Medieval Love Debate Poetry. University Press of Florida, 2006, Wendy A. Matlock
Barbara K. Gold, Sex and Gender in Medieval and Renaissance Texts: The Latin Tradition. State University of New York Press, 1997, William White Tison Pugh
Becoming (Queer) Medieval: Queer Methodologies in Medieval Studies: Where are We Now? , Michael O'Rourke
Bibliography II: The Archives & Medieval Medical History, Monica H. Green
Bibliography I: The Archives Across Disciplines
Bibliography: Medieval Antisemitism, Sylvia Tomasch
Bibliography, no.17 1994 , Chris Africa
Bibliography, no.19 1995 , Chris Africa
Bibliography, no.24 1997 , Chris Africa
Bibliography, no.27 1999 , Chris Africa
Bibliography, no.28 1999 , Chris Africa
Bibliography, no.29 2000 , Chris Africa
Bibliography, no.30 2000 , Chris Africa
Bibliography, no.31 2001 , Chris Africa
Bibliography, no.32 2001 , Chris Africa
Bibliography, no.33 2002 , Chris Africa
Bibliography, no.36 2003 , Chris Africa
Bibliography, no.37 2004 , Chris Africa
Bibliography of Legal Records Related to Rape and Ravishment in Medieval England, Emma Hawkes
Bibliography on Women and Medicine, Monica Green
Bibliography: Some Recent Medieval Studies Work in German, Beatrix Lundt
Bibliography: Women and Medicine, Monica Green
Bibliography: Women and Medicine, no.32 2001 , Monica Green
Bibliography: Women and Medicine, no.35 2003 , Monica Green
Bibliography: Women and Medicine, no.37 2004 , Monica Green
Bibliography: Works by Sylvia Thrupp, Joel T. Rosenthal and Caroline Barron
Birgitta of Sweden and the Divine Mysteries of Motherhood , Kirsi Stjerna
Bonnie Effros, Creating Community with Food and Drink in Merovingian Gaul. New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, Felice Lifshitz
Bonnie Wheeler ed., Listening to Heloise: The Voice of a Twelfth Century Woman. The New Middle Age Series. St. Martin's, 2000, Susannah Mary Chewning
Breaking Down the Barriers: Writing Novels about Medieval Women for Modern Readers , Sharan Best
Call for Essays for Next Issue
Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertili to Emily Dickinson. Yale University Press, 1990, Clare A. Lees
Carole Levin, Jo Eldridge Carney, and Debra Barrett-Graves, eds., "High and Mighty Queens" of Early Modern England: Realities and Representations. Palgrave/Macmillan, 2003, Janice M. Bogstad
Carole Levin, The Reign of Elizabeth I. Palgrave Macmillan, 2002., Theresa Earenfight
Carol M. Meale, Women and Literature in Britain, 1150-1500. Cambridge University Press, 1993, Jennifer Summit
Carolyn Dinshaw, Chaucer's Sexual Poetics. University of Wisconsin Press, 1989, Elaine Tuttle Hansen
Carolyn Dinshaw, Getting Medieval: Sexualities and Communities, Pre- and Postmodern. Duke University Press, 1999, Lara Farina
Carolyne Larrington, King Arthur's Enchantresses: Morgan and her Sisters in Arthurian Tradition. I. B. Tauris, 2006, Kristin Bovaird-Abbo
Carolyne Larrington, Women and Writing in Medieval Europe: A Source Book. London and New York: Routledge, 1995, Louise M. Bishop
Catherine S. Cox, Gender and Language in Chaucer. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1997, James M. Deam
Charles Beem, The Lioness Roared: The Problems of Female Rule in English History. Plagrave Macmillan, 2006, Kate Kelsey Staples
Chaucer and the Masculinity of Historicism, Sylvia Federico
Chaucer's Lesbians: Drawing Blanks?, Susan Schibanoff
Christina Mazzoni, ed. And John Cirignano, trans., Angela of Foligno's Memorial. Library of Medieval Women. D.S. Brewer, 1999, Elizabeth Freeman
Christine de Pizan, Le Livre des Faits et Bonnes Moeurs du roi Charles V le Sage. Eric Hicks and Thérèse Moreau, trans., Stock/Moyen Age, 1997, Andrea Tarnowski
Christine de Pizan's Advice to Prostitutes , Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski
Christine de Pizan's City of Ladies: A Monumental (Re)construction of, by, and for Women of All Time, Jill E. Wagner
Christopher Abbott, Julian of Norwich: Autobiography and Theology. D. S. Brewer, 1999, Mary Peters
Cinematic Representations of Medieval Women and heir Legacy: Using Film, Text, and Theory to Teach Medieval Women's Culture, Ulrike Wiethaus and Jane E. Jeffrey
Cistercian Nuns in Medieval England: the Gendering of Geographic Marginalization, Elizabeth Freeman
Clio's Silence: A Story of Mary Martin McLaughlin, Bonnie Wheeler
Collaborative Work in Literature and History: an Historian's Perspective on What We Need, Sharon Farmer
Collaborative Writing: History and Art History, Kathleen Ashley
Commentary, Joan Gibson and Deborah Ellis
Commentary, Joan Ferrante
Commentary, Elizabeth A. Clark
Commentary, Wendy Clein
Commentary, Elaine Hansen
Commentary, Peggy Knapp
Commentary, Marshall Leicester
Commentary, Linda Lomperis
Commentary, Carol Neel
Commentary, Helen Solterer
Commentary, R. Howard Bloch
Commentary, Gayle M. Margherita
Commentary, Linda Lomperis
Commentary: Multiculturism in the Middle Age and the Renaissance
Comprehending Rape in Medieval England , Elizabeth Robertson
Conference Report , Rosalynn Voaden
Conference Report: Gender and Medieval Studies, Diane Watt
Conor McCarthy, Love, Sex and Marriage in the Middle Ages: A Sourcebook. Routledge, 2004, Paula Rieder
Constant Mews ed., Listen, Daughter: The Speculum Virginum and the Formation of Religious Women in the Middle Ages. Palgrave, 2001, Amy Hollywood
Continuing the Discourse: Feminist Scholarship and the Study of Medieval Visual Culture, Rachel Dressler
Cordelia Beattie. Medieval Single Women: The Politics of Social Classification in Late Medieval England. Oxford University Press, 2007., Kate Kelsey Staples
Courses Offered on Women and the Middle Ages
Craig Taylor, ed. and trans., Joan of Arc, La Pucelle. Manchester University Press/Palgrave, 2006, Kevin J. Harty
Database for Feminist Research, Margaret Schaus
David Gary Shaw, Necessary Conjunctions: The Social Self in Medieval England. The New Middle Ages Series. Palgrave, 2005, Francine McGregor
David Herlihy, "Opera muliebria": Women and Work in Medieval Europe. McGraw-Hill, 1990, Monica Green
David Michael D'Andrea, Civic Christianity in Renaissance Italy: The Hospital of Treviso, 1400-1530. University of Rochester Press, 2007, Diana Bullen Presciutti
Debating the Love Debate: Guillaume de Machaut v. Christine de Pizan, Barbara K. Altmann and R. Barton Palmer
Deborah A. Fraioli, Joan of Arc: The Early Debate. Boydell & Brewer, Ltd., 2000, Wendy Marie Hoofnagle
Deconstruction and Reconstruction: Africa and Medieval and Renaissance, Maghan Keita
Defining the Terms: Postfeminism as an Ideology of Cool , Anne Clark Bartlett
Denise K. Filios, Performing Women in the Middle Ages: Sex, Gender, and the Iberian Lyric. (The New Middle Ages.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, Emilie L. Bergmann
Desire in Language: Theory, Feminism, and Medieval Texts, Geraldine Heng
Diana Wood, Women and Religion in Medieval England. Oxbow, 2003, Janice Racine Norris
Diane Watt, Amoral Gower: Language, Sex and Politics. Medieval Culture, 38. University of Minnesota Press, 2003, Diane Marie Cady
Diane Watt, trans., The Paston Women: Selected Letters. (Library of Medieval Women.) D. S. Brewer, 2004, Seeta Chaganti
Diane Wolfthal, Images of Rape: The "Heroic" Tradition and Its Alternatives. Cambridge University Press, 1999, Louise Sylvester
Donald M. Nicol, The Byzantine Lady: Ten Portraits, 1250-1500. Cambridge University Press, 1994, Paul Halsall
Donald R. Howard, Chaucer. His Life, His Works, His World. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1987, Sheila Delany
Dorsey Armstrong, Gender and the Chivalric Community in Malory's Morte d'Arthur. University Press of Florida, 2003, Kevin J. Harty
DO's and DON'T's for Writing Successful Grant Proposals on Medieval Feminist Subjects, Nancy Bradley Warren
Do We Know What We Think We Know? Making Assumptions About Eleanor of Aquitaine, RáGena C. DeAragon
Dyan Elliott, Spiritual Marriage: Sexual Abstinence in Medieval Wedlock. Princeton University Press, 1993, Maureen C. Miller
Earl Jeffrey Richards, Christine de Pizan and Medieval French Lyric. University Press of Florida, 1998, Rosalind Brown-Grant
Edith Wyschogrod, Saints and Postmodernism: Revisioning Moral Philosophy. University of Chicago Press, 1990, Joan Gibson
Editors' Note, Roberta Krueger
E. Jane Burns, Bodytalk: When Women Speak in Old French Literature. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993, Nancy A. Jones
E. Jeffrey Richards, ed., Reinterpreting Christine de Pizan. Univ. of Georgia Press, 1992, Andrea Tarnowski
Elaine Hansen, Chaucer and the Fictions of Gender. Univ. of California Press, 1992, Sheila Fisher
Elaine Trehane, ed., Writing Gender and Genre in Medieval Literature: Approaches to Old and Middle English Texts. D.S. Brewer, 2002, Dorsey Armstrong
Eleanor of Aquitane and the Quarrel Over Medieval Women's Power , Constance H. Berman
Eleanor Prescott Hammond , Derek Pearsall
Elissa B. Weaver, Convent Theatre in Early Modern Italy: Spiritual Fun and Learning for Women. Cambridge University Press, 2002, Margaret Aziza Pappano
Elizabeth Allen, False Fables and Exemplary Truth in Later Middle English Literature. (The New Middle Ages.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, Elizabeth Scala
Elizabeth Robertson, Early English Devotional Prose and the Female Audience. University of Tennessee Press, 1990, Theresa Coletti
Ellen E. Kittell and Mary A Suydam, eds., The Texture of Society: Medieval Women in the Southern Low Countries. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, Jennifer N. Brown
Embarking with Constance: Margaret Schlauch , Laura Mestayer Rogers
Emma Lipton, Affections of the Mind: The Politics of Sacramental Marriage in Late Medieval English Literature. University of Notre Dame Press, 2007, Suzanne M. Edwards
Equal in Otherness: Medievalist-Feminism in a Small School Setting, Linda McMillin
Eric Hicks, ed., Au champ des escriptures. IIIe colloque international sur Christine de Pizan. Honoré Champion, 2000, Josette A. Wisman
Erin L. Jordan, Women, Power, and Religious Patronage in the Middle Ages. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, Kathy M. Krause
Expanding the Archive: An Art Historical Perspective, Jennifer Borland
Experiencing Space Through Women's Convent Rules: the Rich Clares in Medieval Ghent (Thirteenth to Fourteenth Centuries), Els De Paermentier
Fall 2002 Bibliography, Chris Africa
Fama et Memoria: Portraits of Female Patrons in Mosaic Pavements of Churches in Byzantine Palestine and Arabia, Karen C. Britt
Femina Academica: Medieval Studies in Feminism, Laurie Finke
Femininism and Medieval Literature I: Theory: Explicit and Implicit, Karen Robertson
Feminism and Medieval Studies, Wendy Clein
Feminism and Medieval Studies: A Report from Chapel Hill, Merrimon Crawford and Alison Smith
Feminism and My Work on Sixteenth Century Defenses of Women, Pamela J. Benson
Feminism? "If I made it, you can too.", Barbara A. Hanawalt
Feminism Within and Without the Academy , Karma Lochrie, Clare A. Lees, and Gillian R. Overing
Feminist Approaches to Medieval Spanish History and Literature, Louise Mirrer
Feminist Approaches to Medieval Visual Culture: An Introduction, Marian Bleeke
Feminist Historiography as Pornography: St. Elisabeth of Thuringia in Nazi Germany, Ulrike Wiethaus
Feminist-Medievalist Editorial Practice and the Early English Text Society, Christine M. Rose
Feminist Scholarship in Old Norse Studies, Jenny Jochens
Feminist Studies: Bridging the Gap Between Job Markets and Intellectual Excellence?, Kari Kalve
Feminist Theory Especially Recommended for Teaching
Finding Sylvia Thrupp, Michelle M. Sauer
Frederic L. Cheyette, Ermengard of Narbonne and the World of the Troubadours. Cornell University Press, 2002, Miriam Shadis
From the Warwick Conference, Linda Paterson
From the York Conference, Lesley Johnson
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.28 1999
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.29 2000
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.30 2000
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.31 2001
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.32 2001
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.33 2002
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.34 2002
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.35 2003
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.36 2003
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.37 2004
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.38 2004
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.39 2005
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.40 2005
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.41 2006
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.42 2006
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.43 no.1 2007
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.43 no.2 2007
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.44 no.1 2008
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.44 no.2 2008
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Forum, v.45 no.1 2009
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.10 1990
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.11 1991
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.12 1991
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.13 1992
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.14 1992
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.15 1993
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.16 1993
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.17 1994
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.18 1994
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.19 1995
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.20 1995
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.21 1996
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.22 1996
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.23 1997
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.24 1997
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.25 1998
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.26 1998
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.27 1999
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.6 1988
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.7 1989
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.8 1989
Front Matter, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, no.9 1990
Funding for Medieval Feminists: Strategies, Challenges, Dilemmas, Corine Schleif
Gabriele Paleotti on the Grotesque in Painting: Stretching Old Cultural Horizons to Fit a Brave New World, Claire Farago
Gabriella Brooke, The Words of Bernfrieda: A Chronicle of Hauteville. Eastern Washington University Press, 1999, F. Regina Psaki
Gayle Margherita, The Romance of Origins: Language and Sexual Difference in Middle English Literature. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994, Anne Clark Bartlett
Gay Studies and Feminism: A Medievalist's Perspective, Simon Gaunt
Gazing at Gawain: Reconsidering Tournaments, Courtly Love, and the Lady Who Looks, Elizabeth L'Estrange
Gender and Manuscripts: Cambridge University Library MS Ff.1.6, Rosemary J. Appleton
Gender and Violence in the Northern French Farce, Deborah Hovland
Gender Issues in the Art of the Middle Ages, Martha Easton
Gender, Paleography, and the Question of Authorship in Late Medieval Dominican Spirituality, David F. Tinsley
Gender, Skin Color, and the Power of Place in the Medieval Dutch Romance of Moriaen, Cathy C. Darrup
Geraldine Heng, Empire of Magic: Medieval Romance and the Politics of Cultural Fantasy. Columbia University Press, 2003, Anne Laskaya
Geraldine Heng, Empire of Magic: Medieval Romance and the Politics of Cultural Fantasy. Columbia University Press, 2003, Kathy Lavezzo
Gertrud Jaron Lewis, By Women, For Women, About Women: The Sister-Books of Fourteenth Century Germany. Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1996, Ulrike Wiethaus
Getting Anecdotal, Sheila Delany
Getting to the Source: The Case of Jacoba Felicie and the Impact of the Portable Medieval Reader on the Canon of Medieval Women's History, Monica H. Green
Giles Constable, Three Studies in Medieval Religious and Social Thought. Cambridge University Press, 1995, Kathleen Ashley
Giving Credit Where Credit is Due (Sketching a Trajectory of Feminist Medieval Studies), Felice Lifshitz
Glenda McLeod, Virtue and Venom: Catalogs of Women from Antiquity to the Renaissance. The University of Michigan Press, 1991, Pamela Benson
Golden Ages and Renaissances, Merry Wiesner-Hands
Good Game and the Language of Affective Spirituality, Karma Lochrie
Guy Halsall, Settlement and Social Organization: The Merovingian Region of Metz. Cambridge University Press, 1995, Bonnie Effros
Gwendolyn and Estrildis: Invading Queen in British Historiography, Katherine Olson
Helen E. Maurer, Margaret of Anjou: Queenship and Power in Late Medieval England. Boydell, 2003, Theresa Earenfight
Helen Rodnite Lemay, Women's Secrets: A Translation of Pseudo-Albertus Magnus' "De Secretis Mulierum" with Commentaries. State Univ. of New York Press, 1992, Margaret Schleissner
Highly Visible, Often Obscured: The Difficulty of Seeing Queens and Noble Women, Theresa Earenfight
History and Literature: Three Medieval Views, Wendy Pfeffer
History, Literature, and Medieval Women's Medicine, Monica Green
Holly S. Hurlburt, The Dogaressa of Venice, 1200-1500: Wife and Icon. (The New Middle Ages.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, Miriam Shadis
Hope Emily Allen, the Second Volume of the Book of Margery Kempe, and an Adversary , John C. Hirsh
How do you do? or "How to be a Feminist Medievalist on the Job Market Today", Sara S. Poor
How Our Lady Relieved the Good Sisters of Aunsby, Joyce Coleman
Images of Women in the Middle Ages
Impossible Women: Aelfric's Sponsa Christi and "La Mystérique", Miranda Hodgson
"Individually, And On Behalf Of All Others Similarly Situated", Dolores Frese
"I Ne Sey Noght is in Despyt of Women": Antifeminism in Robert de Gretham's Mirror, Kathleen Blumreich
Infinite Becloseness in Julian of Norwich's A Revelation of Love, Justine Semmens
Interruption, Reconstellation and Limitation: Postcolonial Pedagogies in Teaching Gender and Medieval History in Teaching Gender and Medieval History, Kathleen Biddick
Inventing Christine: Or, How the Rose Was Won, Nadia Margolis
Invisible Women, Ruth Mazo Karras
Is the Undergraduate Classroom Post-Feminist Yet? , Lisa Perfetti
Jane Chance, Christine de Pizan's "Letter of Othea to Hector." Newburyport, Mass: Focus Information Group, 1990, Barbara K. Altmann
Jane Chance, ed., Women Medievalists and the Academy. University of Wisconsin Press, 2004, Zennia Hancock
Jane L. Carroll, Saints, Sinners, and Sisters: Gender and Northern Art in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Ashgate, 2003, Gerald B. Guest
Jean Flori. Eleanor of Aquitaine: Queen and Rebel. Translated by Olive Casse. Edinburgh University Press, 2007., Michael Evans
Jeffrey Hamburger, The Rothschild Canticles: Art and Mysticism in Flanders and the Rhineland circa 1300. Yale Univ. Press, 1990, Corine Schleif
Jenny Wormald, Mary Queen of Scots: Politics, Passion and a Kingdom Lost. I.B. Tauris, 2001, Joyce Boro
Jeremy Goldberg. Communal Discord, Child Abduction, and Rape in the Later Middle Ages. (The New Middle Ages Series.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2008., Cordelia Beattie
Jerold C. Frakes, Brides and Doom: Gender, Property, and Power in Medieval German Women's Epic. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994, Kathleen Rose
Jo Ann Kay McNamara, Feminist Scholar: A Pioneer in Transforming Medieval History, Dorothy O. Helly
Joan of Arc: Maneuverable Medievalism, Flexible Feminism , Nadia Margolis
Joan Young Gregg, Devils, Women, and Jews: Reflections of the Other in Medieval Sermon Stories. State University of New York Press, 1997, Steven F. Kruger
John Carmi Parsons, Medieval Mothering. The New Middle Ages, vol. 3. Garland Publishing, 1996, Barbara Newman
John M. Klassen, Eva Doležalová and Lynn Szabo, The Letters of the Rozmberk Sisters: Noblewomen in Fifteenth Century Bohemia. The Library of Medieval Women. D.S. Brewer, 2001, Ann Marie Rasmussen
Judith Bronfman, Chaucer's "Clerk's Tale": The Griselda Story Received, Rewritten, Illustrated. Garland Publishing, 1994, Edward Wheatley
Julia Bolton Holloway, ed. and trans., Julian of Norwich: A Showing of Love. The Liturgical Press, 2003, Liz Herbert McAvoy
Juliette Merritt, Beyond Spectacle: Eliza Haywood's Female Spectators. University of Toronto Press, 2004, Chelo de Andrés Martinez
June Hall McCash, ed., The Cultural Patronage of Medieval Women. University of Georgia Press, 1996, Cynthia J. Brown
Kalamazoo 1997: Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship
Karen J. Taylor, ed., Gender Transgressions: Crossing the Normative Barrier in Old French Literature. Garland Publishing, 1998, Deborah McGrady
Karen Swenson, Performing Definitions: Two Genres of Insult in Old Norse Literature. Cadmen House, 1991, Elizabeth Ashman Rowe
Kate Langdon Forhan, The Political Theory of Christine de Pizan. Ashgate, 2002 , Deborah McGrady
Katharina M. Wilson, ed., Hrotsvit of Gandersheim: Rara Avis in Saxonia? Marc Publishing Co., 1987., Alexandra Hennessey Olsen
Katharina M. Wilson, Women in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia. Greenwood Press, 2004 , Chris Africa
Katherine J. Lewis, The Cult of St. Katherine of Alexandria in Late Medieval England. Boydell Press, 2000, M. Wendy Hennequin
Kathleen Biddick, The Shock of Medievalism. Duke University Press, 1998 , Ruth Mazo Karras
Kathleen Nolan, ed., Capetian Women. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, Sharon Farmer
Kathy Lavezzo, Angels on the Edge of the World: Geography, Literature and English Community, 1000-1534. Cornell University Press, 2006, Robert Barrett
Katie Normington, Gender and Medieval Drama. Gender in the Middle Ages. D.S. Brewer, 2004, Robert Barrett
Keiko Hamaguchi, Chaucer and Women. EIHOSHA, 2007, Joanna Shearer
Kimberly A. LoPrete, Adela of Blois: Countess and Lord (c.1067-1137). Four Courts Press, 2007, Kirsten A. Fenton
Land, Family, and Women in Medieval Rome: Reassessing a Mentor's Classic Article, Constance H. Berman
Lara Farina, Erotic Discourse and Early English Religious Writing. (The New Middle Ages.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, Joanna Shearer
Le Débat sur le Roman de la Rose, traduit en français moderne par Virginie Greene. Traductions des classiques du Moyen Age; 76. H. Champion, 2006, Elizabeth A. Hubble
Le Laustic, 2000, Suzanne Kocher
Lessons on Castigating Women in the War-Torn World of the Iberian Peninsula, Nydia Rivera- Gloeckner
Letter to MFN: Men's Place in Women's Studies?, Joel T. Rosenthal
Linda E. Mitchell, Portraits of Medieval Women: Family, Marriage, and Politics in England, 1225-1350. Palgrave, 2003, Katherine French
Linda Maria Koldau. Frauen-Musik-Kultur. Ein Handbuch zum deutschen Sprachgebiet der Frühen Neuzeit. Böhlau Verlag, 2005., Joseph F. Patrouch
Linda M. Paterson, The World of the Troubadours: Medieval Occitan Society, c. 1100-c. 1300. Cambridge University Press, 1993, Rouben C. Cholakian
Linda Olson and Kathryn Kerby-Fulton, eds., Voices in Dialogue: Reading Women in the Middle Ages. University of Notre Dame Press, 2006, Mary Dockray-Miller
Lineage and Women's Patronage: Mary of Woodstock and Nicholas Trevet's Les Cronicles, Laura Barefield
Lisa Bitel, Women in Early Medieval Europe, 400-1100. Cambridge University Press, 2002, Mary Dockray-Miller
Literature and Life: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Cindy Vitto
Little-known Medieval Texts. Good Counsel for a Young Lady: A Low German Mother-Daughter Conduct Poem, Ann Marie Rasmussen
Liz Herbert McAvoy, Authority and the Female Body in the Writings of Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe. Boydell Press, 2004, Susannah Mary Chewning
Lois L. Huneycutt, Matilda of Scotland: A Study in Medieval Queenship. Boydell, 2003, Elizabeth Freeman
Louise Labé, Complete Poetry and Prose: A Bilingual Edition. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe. University of Chicago Press, 2006, Chimene Bateman
Louise M. Sylvester, Medieval Romance and the Construction of Heterosexuality. (The New Middle Ages.) Palgrave McMillan, 2008, Lisa Perfetti
Loveday Lewes Gee, Women, Art and Patronage from Henry III to Edward III: 1216-1377. Boydell Press, 2002, Anne Rudloff Stanton
Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum, Black Madonnas: Feminism, Religion, and Politics in Italy. Northeastern University Press, 1993, Adela La Barre Starensier
Lynda L. Coon, Sacred Fictions: Holy Women and Hagiography in Late Antiquity. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997, Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski
Lynn Staley, Margery Kempe's Dissenting Fictions. Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994, Sandra J. McEntire
"Make it Work": Grants(wo)manship, Jane Chance
Male/Female/Both/Neither: Gender as Floating Signifier in the Literature of Medieval France, Peter Allen
Managing Medieval Misogyny , M. Wendy Hennequin
Manufacture in the Archive: Impingham's Chaucer in MS BL Harley 7333, Holly A. Crocker
Marguerite de Navarre's Portrait of Marguerite Porete: A Renaissance Queen Constructs a Medieval Woman Mystic, Suzanne Kocher
María Bullón-Fernández, Fathers and Daughters in Gower's Confessio Amantis. D.S. Brewer, 2000, Francine McGregor
Maria Vassilaki, ed., Images of the Mother of God. Ashgates Publishing, 2005., Laurel Broughton
Marie Anne Mayeski, Women at the Table: Three Medieval Theologians. Liturgical Press, 2004, Katie Keene
Marilynn Desmond, Myth, Montage, & Visuality in Late Medieval Manuscript Culture: Christine de Pizan's Epistre Othea. University of Michigan Press, 2003, Christine McWebb
Marilynn Desmond, Reading Dido: Gender, Textuality, and the Medieval Aeneid. Medieval Cultures 8. University of Minnesota Press, 1994, Wendy Chapman Peek
Martha A. Brozyna, ed., Gender and Sexuality in the Middle Ages: A Medieval Source Document Reader. McFarland, 2005, Jacqueline Murray
Mary Erler and Maryanne Kowaleski, ed., Women and Power in the Middle Ages. University of Georgia Press, 1988, Maureen C. Miller
Mary F. Thurlkill, Chosen among Women: Mary and Fatima in Medieval Christianity and Shi'ite Islam. University of Notre Dame Press, 2007, Denise Filios
Mary F. Wack, Lovesickness in the Middle Ages. The 'Viaticum' and its Commentaries. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990, Margaret Schleissner
Mary Jeremy Finnegan, The Women of Helfta: Scholars and Mystics. The Univ. of Georgia Press, 1991, E. Ann Matter
Mary Martin McLaughlin, Always Independent, Sharan Newman
Mary Martin McLaughlin in Review, E. Ann Matter
Maternal Reflections on Gender and Medievalism, Mary Dockray-Miller
Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner, Shaping Romance: Interpretation, Truth, and Closure in Tweflth-Century French Fictions. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993, Peggy McCracken
Maud Burnett McInerney, Eloquent Virgins: From Thecla to Joan of Arc. New Middle Ages Series. Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, Sara S. Poor
Medfem Bibliography for Ninth-Grade Girls, Patricia Hollahan, Karen Metelnick, and Carol Harding
Medicine in the Archives: Resources for Researching Medical History Topics, Monica H. Green
Medieval Art as Nostalgia for the Future, Madeline H. Caviness
Medieval Feminist Dissertations in Progress
Medieval Feminist Dissertations Recently Completed
Medieval Feminist Forum Bibliography Summer 2005, Chris Africa
Medieval Feminist Movement, E. Jane Burns
Medieval Feminists and the Long Term, Susan Mosher Stuard
Medieval Feminists in the Academy: A Response from the Center?, Clare Lees
Medievalism Today , Leslie J. Workman
Medievalist Feminists in the Academy, Judith Bennett and Elizabeth Robertson
Medieval Marxists: A Tradition, Sheila Delany
Medieval Multiculturalism: The Second Oldest Dead White Men, Steven Epstein
Medieval Studies and Mentoring, Linda Lomperis, Elizabeth D. Kirk, Catherine Brown, Anne Clark Bartlett, E. Jane Burns, Sarah Sanbury, and Jo Ann Hoeppner Moran
Medieval Women Artists and Modem Historians, Bonghi Yawn Lila
Men in Medieval Feminism, David Wallace
Message from the Editor , Ann Marie Rasmussen
Message from the Editor, no.23 1997, Ann Marie Rasmussen
Message from the Editor, no.24 1997, Ruth Mazo Karras
Message from the Editor, no.25 1998, Ruth Mazo Karras
Message from the Editor, no.26 1998, Margaret Schleissner
Message from the Editor, no.27 1999, Margaret Schleissner
Message from the Editor, no.28 1999, F. Regina Psaki
Message from the Editor, no.30 2000, Sarah Stanbury
Message from the Editor, no.31 2001, Sarah Stanbury
Message from the Editor, no.32 2001, Mary Suydam
Message from the Editor, no.33 2002, Mary Suydam
Message from the Editor, no.34 2002, Ulrike Wiethaus
Message from the Editor, no.36 2003, Bonnie Wheeler
Message from the Editor, no.37 2004, Bonnie Wheeler
Message from the Managing Editor, no.29 2000, F. Regina Psaki
Message from the Managing Editor, no.30 2000, F. Regina Psaki
Message from the Managing Editor, no.34 2002, Barbara Altmann
Message from the Managing Editor, no.35 2003, Barbara Altmann
Message from the Managing Editor, no.36 2003, F. Regina Psaki
Message from the MFN Production Team, Regina F. Psaki and Michelle Bolduc
Message from the New Managing Editor, Michelle M. Sauer
Message from the Outgoing Managing Editor, F. Regina Psaki
Message from the President, no.22 1996, Pamela Sheingorn
Message from the President, no.23 1997, F. Regina Psaki
Message from the President, no.24 1997, Regina F. Psaki
Message from the President, no.25 1998, F. Regina Psaki
Message from the President, no.27 1999, F. Regina Psaki
Message from the President, no.28 1999, Ann Marie Rasmussen
Message from the President, no.29 2000, Ann Marie Rasmussen
Message from the President, no.30 2000, Ann Marie Rasmussen
Message from the President, no.32 2001, Anne Clark Bartlett
Message from the President, no.33 2002, Anne Clark Bartlett
Message from the President, no.34 2002, Anne Clark Bartlett
Message from the President, no.35 2003, Anne Clark Bartlett
Message from the President, no.36 2003, E. Ann Matter
Message from the President, no.37 2004, E. Ann Matter
Message From the President of SMFS, no.26 1998, F. Regina Psaki
Message From the President of SMFS, no.31 2001, Ann Marie Rasmussen
MFN Gay and Lesbian Issue, E. Ann Matter
Michael Jones, The New Cambridge Medieval History. Volume VI c.1300-c.1415. Cambridge University Press, 2000, Cordelia Beattie
Micheline Dessaint, La Femme médiatrice dans de grande oeuvres romanesques du XIIe siècle. Honoré Champion, 2001, Heather Arden
"Mine Is Longer:" Gender Difference and Female Authority in the Academy, Jane Chance
Mohammed, Courtly Love, and the Myth of Western Heterosexuality, Susan Schibanoff
Monica H. Green. Making Women's Medicine Masculine: The Rise of Male Authority in Pre-Modern Gynaecology. Oxford University Press, 2008., Wendy R. Larson
Mother Always Knows Best: A Personal Appropriation of the Fictional St. Birgitta's and Margery Kempe's Ideas about Motherhood, Nanda Hopenwasser and Signe Wegener
Motherhood: The Book of Margery Kempe, Liz Herbert McAvoy
Mothers and Fathers in the Early French Farce, Deborah Hovland
Multicultural Subjectivity in Reading Chaucer's "Man of Law" Tale, Glory Dharrnaraj
Murasaki Shikibu: Medieval Japanese Feminist, Cynthia Ho
Murdering the Narrator of the Wife's Lament, Berit Ǻström
M. Victoria Guerin, The Fall of Kings and Princes: Structure and Destruction in Arthurian Tragedy. Stanford University Press, 1995, Peggy McCracken
Nancy B. Black, Medieval Narratives of Accused Queens. University Press of Florida, 2003, Laura Barefield
Nancy B. Black, Medieval Narratives of Accused Queens. University Press of Florida, 2003, Laura Barefield
"Narwe in cage": Teaching Medieval Women in the First Half of the British Literature Survey, Daniel T. Kline
New Advisory Board Members and Graduate Representatives
New Bibliography on Women and Medical Practice, Monica Green
New Bibliography on "Women and Medicine", Monica Green
New Light on the Economic Practices of Cistercian Women's Communities, Constance H. Berman
Nicholas Watson and Jacquelin Jenkins, ed., The Writings of Julian of Norwich: A Vision Showed to a Devout Woman and A Revelation of Love. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006, Candace Gregory-Abbott
Noah Guynn, Allegory and Sexual Ethics in the High Middle Ages. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, Emily C. Francomano
Note From the President, no.18 1994, Elaine Tuttle Hansen
Note From the President, no.19 1995, Elaine Tuttle Hanson
Note From the President, no.20 1995, Pamela Sheingorn
Note on Gender Issues and the Teaching of Medieval Art: Some Recent Resources, Ann Derbes
Notes and Announcements, Medieval Feminist Forum, no.38 2004
Notes and Announcements, no.11 1991
Notes and Announcements, no.12 1991
Notes and Announcements, no.13 1992
Notes and Announcements, no.14 1992
Notes and Announcements, no.15 1993
Notes and Announcements, no.16 1993
Notes and Announcements, no.17 1994
Notes and Announcements, no.19 1995
Notes and Announcements, no.39 2005
Notes and Announcements, no.7 1989
Notes and Announcements, no.8 1989
Notes and Announcements, no.9 1990
Notes and Announcements, vol.44 no.1 2008
Notes and Announcements, vol.44 no.2 2008
Notes & Announcements, vol.45 no.1 2009
Not Quite One of the Guys: Pantysyllya as Virgin Warrior in Lydgate's Troy Book, M. Wendy Hennequinn
Nuns, Tertiaries, and Quasi-Religious: The Religious Identities of Late Medieval Holy Women, Catherine M. Mooney
On a Daughter's Death, Venice, 1477 , Joan Cadden
On Feminism and Medievalism: Musings from a Prone Position, Megan McLaughlin
On Funding, Susan J. Dudash
On Lesbian and Gay/Queer Medieval Studies, David Lorenzo Boyd
On Visiting the Bibliothèque Nationale: The Rough Guide, Claire Waters
On Working Together, Roberta L. Krueger
Painting Lions, Drawing Lines, Writing Lives: Male Authorship in the Lives of Christina of Markyate, Margery Kempe, and Margaret Paston, S. Elizabeth Passmore
Pamela Porter, Courtly Love in Medieval Manuscripts. University of Toronto Press, 2003, Louise Sylvester
Pasolini's Decameron and Teaching the Middle Ages, F. Regina Psaki
Past Watchful Dragons?: Thoughts on the Med-Fem Job Market, Patricia C. Ingham
Patricia Ranft, A Woman's Way: The Forgotten History of Women Spiritual Directors. Palgrave, 2000, Cynthia Stewart
Patricia Ranft, Women in Western Intellectual Culture, 600-1500. Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, Helene Scheck
Patricia Terry, trans., The Honeysuckle and the Hazel Tree. Medieval Stories of Men and Women. University of California Press, 1995, Minnette Gaudet
Patrizia Caraffi, Figure femminili del sapere (XII-XV secolo). (Biblioteca Medievale: Saggi; 12.) Carocci, 2003, F. Regina Psaki
Paula M. Rieder, On the Purification of Women: Churching in Northern Frace, 1100-1500. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, Elizabeth L'Estrange
Pauline Stafford, Gender, Family and the Legitimation of Power: England from the Ninth to Early Twelfth Century. (Variorum Collected Studies; 850). Ashgate, 2006, Theresa Earenfight
Paul Strohm, Hochon's Arrow: The Social Imagination of Fourteenth-Century Texts. Princeton University Press, 1992, David Lorenzo Boyd
Pawns, Predators, and Parasites: Teachign the Roles of Women in Arthurian Literature Courses, Lisa Robeson
Peggy K. Liss, Isabel the Queen: Life and Times. Revised edition. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004, Joyce Boro
P. H. Cullum and Katherine J. Lewis, eds., Holiness and Masculinity in the Middle Ages. University of Toronto, 2004, M. Wendy Hennequin
P.J.P. Goldberg, ed., Woman is a Worthy Wight: Women in English Society, c. 1200-1500. Alan Sutton Publishing, 1992, Ruth Mazzo Karras
P. J. P. Goldberg, Women, Work, and Life Cycle in a Medieval Economy: Women in York and Yorkshire, c. 1300-1520. Clarendon Press, 1992, Ruth Mazo Karras
"Please Don't Talk about Hildegard and Feminism in the Same Breath!", Lorna Collingridge
Pois dompna s'ave/d'amar: Na Castellosa's "Cansos" and Medieval Feminist Scholarship, Alison Langdon
Presumed Relevant: Feminism Taken for Granted in a Medievalist's Orals, Moira Fitzgibbons
Queering Virginity , Lisa Weston
Que(e)rying Mongols , Noreen Giffney
Racial/Religious and Sexual Queerness in the Middle Ages, Steven F. Kruger
Ramona Bressie, the Study of Manuscripts, and the Chaucer Life-Records, Thomas H. Bestul
Reading Ability: Negotiating Academe on Crutches, Tammy Gravenhorst
Rebecca Lynn Winer. Women, Wealth, and Community in Perpignan, c. 1250-1300: Christians, Jews, and Enslaved Muslims in a Medieval Mediterranean Town. Ashgate, 2006., Constance H. Berman
Recent Bibliography in History, Chris Africa
Recent Bibliography on Women and Gender, Chris Africa
Redefining Holy Maidenhood: Virginity and Lesbianism in Late Medieval England, Mary Anne Campbell
Reflections on Chaucer's ''The Prioress's Tale", Esther Zago
Reflections on Panel Questions: Susan Mosher Stuart Roundtable, Margaret Schaus
Reflections on the Life of a Scholar Looking for the Woman's Part in Renaissance England, Carole Levin
Relationships Between Parents and their Absent Adolescent Offspring in the High Middle Ages, Fiona Harris Stoertz
Religion and Violence: Bibliography for Religious Women and Violence, Penelope D. Johnson
Remarks on MFN at Twenty, Roberta Krueger
Remember When We Couldn't See the Women?, Jacqueline Murray
Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Poets, Saints, and Visionaries of the Great Schism, 1378-1417. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006, Jessica A. Boon
Report from Cornell Medieval Studies Program, Disa Gambera and Wendy Peek
Report From New York, Thelma Fenster
Report from the UK: Gender and Medieval Studies, Simon Gaunt and Elizabeth Archibald
Report from Washington, Carol Rupprecht
Report on Publications Project, Kathleen Biddick and Marilyn Desmond
Report on Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship Graduate Student Network, Jennifer Summit
Reports, vol.43 no.1 2007, Liz Herbert McAvoy
Representing the Body in Poems by Medieval Muslim Women, Marla Segol
Researching Medieval Women, Margaret Schaus
Responses to Issue 16: Response to "Multiculturalism in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance", Nancy A. Jones
Responses to Issue 16: Towards a Complete Medieval History , Charlotte Newman Goldy
Responses to MFN 18: Letters to the Editor, Barbara Newman
Responses to MFN 18: Letters to the Editor, Sheila Delany
Rethinking Medieval French Graduate Studies/Syllabuses in Light of Gender Issues, Kevin Brownlee
R. Howard Bloch, Anonymous Marie de France. University of Chicago Press, 2003 , Wendy Marie Hoofnagle
R. Howard Bloch, The Anonymous Marie de France. University of Chicago Press, 2003, Wendy Marie Hoofnagle
Robert Archer, The Problem of Woman in Late-Medieval Hispanic Literature. (Colección Támesis, Serie A, Monografias.) Tamesis, 2005, Ana M. Gómez-Bravo
Robert S. Sturges, Chaucer's Pardoner and Gender Theory: Bodies of Discourse. St. Martin's Press, 2000, Isabel Davis
Rodney Hilton, Bond Men Made Free: Medieval Peasant Movement and the English Rising of 1381, with a new introduction by Christopher Dyer. Routledge, 2003, Cordelia Beattie
Rosamond McKitterick, ed., Atlas of the Medieval World. Oxford University Press, 2004, Monica H. Green
Rouben C. Cholakian, The Troubadour Lyric: a Psychocritical Reading. Manchester University Press, 1990, Lisa Splittgerber
Roundtable: Are You Still Deciding Whether to be a Medievalist or a Feminist? Introduction, Anne Clark Bartlett
Ruth Mazo Karras, Sexuality in Medieval Europe: Doing Unto Others. Routledge, 2005 , Catherine S. Cox
Samantha J.E. Riches and Sarah Salih, eds., Gender and Holiness: Men, Women and Saints in Late Medieval Europe. Routledge, 2002, Julie Chappell
Samantha J. E. Riches, Gender and Holiness: Men, Women and Saints in Late Medieval Europe. Routledge, 2002, Julie Chappell
Sarah Higley, Hildegard of Bingen's Unknown Language: An Edition, Translation and Discussion. (The New Middle Ages series.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, Sandra Ballif Straubhaar
Sarah Salih, Versions of Virginity in Late Medieval England. D.S. Brewer, 2001 , Michelle M. Sauer
Sara M. Butler, The Language of Abuse: Marital Violence in Later Medieval England. (Later Medieval England, v. 2.) Brill, 2007, Anna Dronzek
Sara S. Poor, Mechthild of Magdeburg and Her Book: Gender and the Making of Textual Authority. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004, Alissandra Paschkowiak
Scandalous Assumptions: Edith Rickert and the Chicago Chaucer Project, Elizabeth Scala
Scatology, Sexuality and the Logic of Laughter in Marguerite de Navarre's Heptaméron, Dora E. Polachek
Sean L. Field, Isabelle of France: Capetian Sanctity and Franciscan Identity in the Thirteenth Century. Notre Dame, 2006, Justine Firnhaber-Baker
Selected Reference Sources for the Study of Medieval Women, Margaret Schaus
Seven Shillings and a Penny: Female Suicide in Late Medieval England, Caitlin G. Callaghan
Shared Interests of SIM and MFN (Vols. 22 and 23), Kathleen Verduin
Sharon L. Jansen, The Monstrous Regiment of Women: Female Rulers in Early Modern Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, Elizabeth Lehfeldt
Sharon L. Jansen, trans., Anne de France: Lessons for my Daughter. Library of Medieval Women. D.S. Brewer, 2004, Josette A. Wisman
Sheri Holman, A Stolen Tongue. Atlantic Monthly Press, 1997 , Lara Farina
Sherry Roush and Cristelle L. Baskins, eds., The Medieval Marriage Scene: Prudence, Passion, Policy. MRTS, 2005, Sara Butler
Shirley Guthrie, Arab Women in the Middle Ages: Private Lives and Public Roles. Saqi Books, 2001, David Duncan
"Show Me the Money!" A Workshop, Rachel Dressler and Virginia Blanton
Shulamith Shahar, Women in a Medieval Heretical Sect: Agnes and Huguette and the Waldensians. Boydell Press, 2001, Jennifer D. Thibodeaux
Siena and the Widow, B. J. van Damme
Sisters of Semitics: A Fresh Appreciation of the Scholarship of Agnes Smith Lewis and Margaret Dunlop Gibson, Rebecca J. W. Jefferson
Skipping Like Camels: Or Why Medieval Studies Neglects the Dance , Joanna E. Ziegler
SMFS Board Directory (Winter 2006)
SMFS Dissertations List (Summer 2006)
SMFS & MFF Directory (Summer 2006)
SMFS & MFF Directory (Winter 2005)
Social History, Women's History, and the British Archive System, Katherine L. French
Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bride, Cynthia Ho
Special Bibliography II: The Works of Mary Martin McLaughlin, Amanda Lynn Moser
Special Bibliography I: The Works of Thelma Fenster, Michelle M. Sauer
Special Bibliography: The Works of Susan Mosher Stuard, Catherine M. Mooney
Spring 2003 Bibliography , Chris Africa
Stacy S. Klein, Ruling Women: Queenship and Gender in Anglo-Saxon Literature. University of Notre Dame Press, 2006, M. Wendy Hennequin
Studied Indifference: Institutional Problems for Feminist Medievalists, Lynn Arner
Surveying Students' Reactions to Theory in a Medieval Women Writers Course , Susan Signe Morrison
Susan L. Smith, The Power of Women: A Topos in Medieval Art and Literature. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995, Diane Wolfthal
Susan Mann and Yu Yin Cheng, eds., Under Confucian Eyes: Writings on Gender in Chinese History. University of California Press, 2001, Janice M. Bogstad
Susan Mosher Stuard. Gilding the Market: Luxury and Fashion in Fourteenth-Century Italy. (The Middle Ages.) University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006., Kim M. Phillips
Susannah Mary Chewning ed., Intersections of Sexuality and the Divine in Medieval Culture: The Word Made Flesh. Ashgate, 2005, Nancy Bradley Warren
Susanne Hafner, Maskulinität in der höfischen Erzählliteratur. Peter Lang, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2004, Evelyn Meyer
Susan Signe Morrison, Women Pilgrims in Medieval England: Private Piety as Public Performance. Routledge Research in Medieval Studies, 3. Routledge, 2000, Shannon McSheffrey
Sylvia Huot, Postcolonial Fictions in the Roman de Perceforest: Cultural Identities and Hybridities. (Gallica; v. 1.) D.S. Brewer, 2007, Elizabeth A. Hubble
Sylvia L. Thrupp: The Chicago Years (1946-61), Joel T. Rosenthal
Sylvia Thrupp: The Making of an Early Social Historian, Caroline M. Barron
Tacking and Veering Through Three Careers, Madeline Caviness
Teaching about Women with Multimedia , Martha W. Driver and Deborah McGrady
Teaching From a Feminist Perspective, Pamela J. Benson and Sharon Farmer
Teaching Women in the Middle Ages: A Survey
The Agony of Influence , Mary Carruthers
"The American Medievalist: A Social and Professional Profile" Revisited, Susan Mosher Stuard
The Crisis in the Humanities: Feminism, Medieval Studies, and the Academy, Ann Marie Rasmussen
The Domain of Lordly Women in France, ca. 1050-1250, Kimberly A. LoPrete
"The Ever-Growing Army of Serious Girl Students": The Legacy of Hope Emily Allen, Marea Mitchell
The Fonds d'Armagnac: Some Archival Resources for the History of Languedocian Women, Justine Firnhaber-Baker
The Heterosexual Subject of Chaucerian Narrative, Carolyn Dinshaw
The History of Women's Lives in the Archives of Languedoc, Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch
The Immediacy of Objects: Reassessing the Contribution of Art History to Feminist Medieval Studies, Jennifer Borland
The Influence of J. R. R. Tolkien's Masculinist Medievalism., Michael D. C. Drout
The Invisibility of Feminist Scholarship in Medieval Iberian Studies, Dawn Bratsch-Prince
The Literary Traditions of Medieval Women (1997 NEH Summer Institute): Introduction, Description, and Reading List, Jane Chance
Thelma Fenster: A Reflection on Scholarship and Friendship, Lara Farina, Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, and Clare A. Lees
Thelma S. Fenster and Clare A. Lees, eds., Gender in Debate from the Early Middle Ages to the Renaissance. The New Middle Ages Series. Palgrave, 2002, Emily C. Francomano
Thelma S. Fenster, ed., Thought: A Review of Culture and Idea. , Joel T. Rosenthal
The Lost Pasts of Women's History, Judith M. Bennett
The Martyr, the Tomb, and the Matron: Gendering the Past, 313-794, Felice Lifshitz
The Maternal Witness: Petrarch and Saint Monica's Iconographic Legacy, Kristen Ina Grimes
The Medieval Feminist Art History Project, Pamela Sheingorn
The Medieval Feminist Art History Project: A Progress Report, Pamela Sheingorn
The Medievalist and Feminist Theory: Prejudices and Problems, Norris J. Lacy
The Next Generation: Bringing Medieval Feminism into the New Millennium , Wendy Marie Hoofnagle
The Outlandish Lioness: Eleanor of Aquitaine in Literature , Fiona Tolhurst
The Persistence of Late Antiquity: Christ as Man and Woman in an Eighth-Century Miniature, Felice Lifshitz
The Practical Paleographer, Michelle M. Sauer
Theresa Earenfight, ed., Queenship and Political Power in Medieval and Early Modern Spain. Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. Ashgate, 2005, Emily C. Francomano
The Saintly Female Body and the Landscape of Foundation in Anglo-Saxon Barking, Lisa M.C. Weston
The Scandal of Antioch, Arlyn Diamond
The Sophomore Survey and the Inclusion of Explicit Women, Erica L. Artiles
The Women in Chaucer's "Marriage Group", Elizabeth Scala
Thinking about Careers: The Medievalist-Feminist Divide , Mary Dockray-Miller
Thomas Bredsdorff, Chaos and Love: The Philosophy of the Icelandic Family Sagas. Museum Tusculanum Press, 2001, Ruth Mazo Karras
Tips for Conquering the Archive (or, Tips for Not Getting Conquered by the Archive), E. R. Truitt
Tova Rosen, Unveiling Eve. Reading Gender in Medieval Hebrew Literature. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003, Michelle Hamilton
Translating Edward the Confessor: Feminism, Time and Hagiography, Jennifer N. Brown
Troubled Vision: Gender, Sexuality, and Sight in Medieval Text and Image, ed. Emma Campbell and Robert Mills. (The New Middle Ages.) Palgrave, 2004, Edith J. Benkov
Ulrike Wiethaus, Ecstatic Transformation: Transpersonal Psychology in the Work of Mechthild of Magdeburg. Syracuse University Press, 1996, Amy M. Hollywood
Up Against the Great Traditions: The Career of Sheila Delany, Lynn Arner
Upcoming Conference: Studying the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: What Difference Does Gender Make?
Using Student Dramatic Performances to Introduce Medival Women Writers to the General Public, Deanna Delmar Evans
Valeria Finucci, The Manly Masquerade: Masculinity, Paternity, and Castration in the Italian Renaissance. Duke University Press, 2003, Holly A. Crocker
Valerie G. Spear, Leadership in Medieval English Nunneries. Studies in the History of Medieval Religion series. Boydell, 2005, Katherine L. French
Valerie R. Hotchkiss, Clothes Make the Man: Female Cross Dressing in Medieval Europe. Garland Publishing, 1996, E. Jane Burns
Vera Morton, trans., Guidance for Women in the 12th-Century Convents. Library of Medieval Women. Boydell and Brewer, 2003, Liz Herbert McAvoy
Virginia Nixon, Mary's Mother: Saint Anne in Late Medieval Europe. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004, Zennia Hancock
Walter Simons, Cities of Ladies. Beguine Communities in the Medieval Low Countries, 1200-1565, The Middle Ages Series. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001, Christine McWebb
We' re Here...Get Used To It, Karma Lochrie
What We Talk About When We Talk About Feminism, Anna Dronzek
When More is Less, Thelma Fenster
Where Feminist Theory and the Medieval Text Intersect, E. Jane Burns
Why Did We Have to Write About Girls? , Holly Hager Gilbert
Wishing for History , Katharine Kerr
Women and Religious Studies, Clarissa Atkinson
Women and the English Morality Play, Douglas Bruster
Women and Their Fathers in Three French Medieval Literary Works , Catherine L. White
Women and the Study of Medieval Christianity, E. Ann Matter
Women in/and Medieval Philosophy: A Survey and Bibliography, Joan Gibson
Women in Courtly Culture: Teaching from a Cross-Cultural Perspective, Nancy A. Jones
Women in Medieval Art: A Schedule of Readings, Jane Welch Williams
Women in the Vernacular and the Periodization of Medieval German Literature , John M. Jeep
Women's Voices and Medieval Song: An Interview with Anne Azéma and Shira Kammen, F. Regina Psaki
Women versus Gender: A Fashion Statement?, Dyan Elliott
Wonders of the Beast: Medieval Monsters and Xenophobes, Andrea Rossi-Reder
Working Together with E-Mail, Ruth Mazo Karras
Writing "Pocahontas at the Masque", Karen Robertson
Yoko Wada, A Companion to Ancrene Wisse. D. S. Brewer, 2003, Cate Gunn
Yossef Rapoport. Marriage, Money and Divorce in Medieval Islamic Society. Cambridge University Press, 2005., Monica Green