Framework towards Technology Creation in Africa for Socio-techno-economic Development

Yao-Martin Donani, University of Nottingham, UK


Underdevelopment in Africa has been historical and a global concern. Several efforts have been made in academia, cutting across various fields of study, at governmental levels, the International Community, Donor Agencies, and other institutional arrangements, to reverse the trend. These efforts are however, yet to produce a lasting solution as Africa is still characterised by low productive output leading to poverty.

It was observed in this study that conventional approaches and models developed to address the African problem have consistently been devoid of a strong consideration for technological development. Technology is here seen as paramount in every form of production on which an economy is based. This study is therefore aimed at developing a framework for sustainable technology development in Africa focusing on Ghana as the case study for its socio-techno-economic development.


Framework towards Technology Creation in Africa for Socio-techno-economic Development

Underdevelopment in Africa has been historical and a global concern. Several efforts have been made in academia, cutting across various fields of study, at governmental levels, the International Community, Donor Agencies, and other institutional arrangements, to reverse the trend. These efforts are however, yet to produce a lasting solution as Africa is still characterised by low productive output leading to poverty.

It was observed in this study that conventional approaches and models developed to address the African problem have consistently been devoid of a strong consideration for technological development. Technology is here seen as paramount in every form of production on which an economy is based. This study is therefore aimed at developing a framework for sustainable technology development in Africa focusing on Ghana as the case study for its socio-techno-economic development.