
The Ensalada and the Origins of the Lyric Theater in Spain


In lieu of an abstract, the first paragraph of the essay follows:

Felipe Pedrell, pioneer of musicological studies in Spain, was the first to call attention to an unusual musical genre known as the ensalada. This form was preserved in examples collected by Mateo Flecha (c.1530-1604), the editor of an anthology of music entitled Las Ensaladas de Flecha, Maestro de Capilla que fue de las Serenissimas lnfantas de Castilla: Recopiladas por F. Matheo Flecha su sobrino, Abad de Tyhan y Capellán de las Magestades Caesareas, con algunas suyas y de otros authores, por él mesmo corregidas y echas estampar (Prague, 1581).1 This anthology was printed by Iorge Negrino, and only an incomplete copy of it is currently known. It contains eight ensaladas of Mateo Flecha "the Elder" (1481-1553), two by his nephew, Father Mateo Flecha "the Younger," two by Pere Alberch Vila (1517-82), one by Cárceres, and one by Chacón, the latter two composers both contemporaries of Vila.2

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