
Lydgate's Mummings and the Aristocratic Resistance to Drama


Robert Epstein


In lieu of an abstract, the first paragraph of the essay follows:

In an article in PMLA in October 1998, W. B. Worthen declared “a conceptual crisis in drama studies.”1 Over the last two decades, the field of performance studies has coalesced around assertions of the primacy of temporal performance over the presumed authority of the written text; thus drama studies, from which performance studies emerged, has been left in a critical quandary. The essential problem, Worthen says, is that “the burgeoning of performance studies has not really clarified the relation between dramatic texts and performance.”2


1W. B. Worthen, “Drama, Performativity, and Performance,” PMLA 113 (1998): 1093–1107.

2Ibid., 1094.

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