Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Thelma Urbick

Second Advisor

Dr. Patrick Jenlink

Third Advisor

Dr. David Cowden


This study examined the career guidance and counseling component of tech prep projects that were being planned and implemented in Michigan during the 1990-91 school year. A survey was conducted of all eleven consortia operating funded tech prep projects to determine the involvement of secondary and post-secondary guidance professionals in tech prep planning, the extent of articulation of guidance services for regular and special populations tech prep students, and the nature and extent of the career guidance and counseling programs that were being planned for regular and special populations students.

The findings from this study indicate that for secondary and postsecondaiy guidance professionals, there is greater involvement at the secondary level in the planning of tech prep programs. The issue of articulation of guidance services for tech prep students was examined, with results indicating that the proportion of grant consortia providing for articulation of guidance services was over .50, although no one articulation method appears to take precedence. The proportion of consortia that provide articulation of special populations guidance services was only .30. The lack of common identification standards, and the wide variety of individuals assigned to monitor the progress of special populations students would appear to be responsible for this low articulation level.

The investigation of the extent to which various career guidance elements were present for tech prep students showed that recommended career guidance elements were present for both regular and special populations students.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
