Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Richard E. Munsterman

Second Advisor

Dr. Owen Middleton

Third Advisor

Dr. Charles C. Warfield

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Dale M. Brethower


Although the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) survived for nearly a decade, its future is far from secure. Among the most immediate and pressing of the U.A.E.'s problems are those of manpower and trained personnel in technical and middle management.

The purpose of this study was to conduct a needs analysis for a community college educational system that will be established in the U.A.E. Underdeveloped nations have imported the idea of the community college concept to help them as they face new problems of modernization and growth.

The questions that were researched are as follows: (1) What are the educational plans of high school seniors in the U.A.E., and will they support a community college system? (2) What are the present and future personnel needs of local business and industries in the U.A.E., particularly in occupations that require more than a high school education?

The methods for gathering data concerning the above questions were as follows: (1) For the first question, a list of high schools was obtained from the U.A.E. Ministry of Education. A random sample of 200 students was selected from four high schools with the highest enrollments. Two hundred copies of the survey questionnaire were administered through school principals to students in the 12th grade. (2) For the second question, structured interview techniques were used. The sample interviewed was 20, which included 10 presidents of banks and 10 presidents of factories.

The following conclusions were drawn as a result of this investigation: (1) A growing interest in technical level training beyond high school was expressed by leaders in almost all areas of business and industries in the U.A.E. (2) There is evidence of sufficient interest among high school seniors for attending the community college for the purpose of transfer-credit courses, but not terminal professional programs. (3) There is evidence that many high school seniors are interested in a community college because it is close to home and a place to spend a few years in a transfer program.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
