Dissertations from 2024
Public Health Implications of State-Level Public Health Organizational and System Structures, Cameron Ferguson Hays
Exploring Perceptions and Factors Influencing the Adoption of Telehealth in Speech-Language Pathology: Adapting the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Heather M. Isaacson
A Paradigm Shift? Speech-Language Pathologists’ Perspectives and Practices with Neurodiversity-Affirming Approaches, Kelli Pierce
Longitudinal Evaluation of Vitamin D Concentrations in Relation to the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes in American Adults: A Secondary Data Analysis, Kathryn Michelle Schurr
Dissertations from 2023
Assessing and Characterizing Marijuana Use Disorders (DSM-5) — National Survey on Drug Use and Health, United States, 2020, Alejandro Azofeifa-Ujueta
National Emergency Department Sample in Geriatric Subsequent Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Visits and Associations with Sex, Falls, Payor, and Discharge Outcomes, Carrie Ann Barrett
Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment: Examining the Perspectives of Survivors and Speech-Language Pathologists, Patricia Lynn Geels
A Mixed Methods Investigation of Pediatric Medication Administration Dosing Errors in Emergency Medical Services, Bryan M. Harmer
Research Training and Certification Protocol for Medical Students, Michelle Arisleida Padley
Analysis of Trauma Screening as a Potential Predictor of Congregate Care Placement as a Key Factor in Caseworker Decision Making, Amy Louise Perricone
The Effects of Adolescent Trauma, Mental Health Treatment, and Demographic Variables on Educational Outcome, Christopher Postema
The Correlational and Predictive Ability of Pre-season Risk Screenings on Hip and Groin Problems in Competitive Male Ice Hockey Players, William Suits
Dissertations from 2022
Gender Responsive Treatment For Females With Substance Use Disorders, Brooke Buys
Evaluating Hospital Community Benefit And Community Health Improvement Requirements, Shelly Johnson
The Influence Of Demographic, Social, And Economic Factors On Referral For Heart Failure Services, Catherine Elaine Kelty
Dissertations from 2021
Parametric Characteristics of the B6OMSI-RE, Sarahelizabeth Janemarie Baguhn
Characterization, Implementation, and Impact of Low Stimulation Precautions in Acute Neurological Injury, Alexis Kurek
Developing a Diagnostic Tool of a Community’s Health, Ruth Kurtycz
Facilitating Implementation of In-Room Whiteboards in the Skilled Nursing Environment Using the PARIHS Framework, Ashley Lubbers
Informing Cognitive Screening in the Young Adult Population, Samantha L. McDaniel
Psychological Wellbeing and Sense of Community Among African Americans: Does Purpose In Life Matter?, Yatesha D. Robinson
The Neuroanatomical, Neurochemical, and Phenomenological Correlates of Social Bonding, Empathy, and Flow in Music Improvisation, Edward A. Roth
A Model for Evaluating Charitable Contributions in Nonprofit Organizations in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Kristen Smith
An Examination of Types of Health Insurance and the Reported Prevalence of Autism in the United States, Jennifer L. Thompson
Dissertations from 2020
Cardiac Electrophysiology: Exploring Racial and Gender Outcomes of Treatment of Paroxysmal and Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Using Sotalol and Dofetilide, Nicole LaNette Bradford-Love
Exploring Functional Health Literacy in Older Adults with Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Jennifer K. Fortuna
The Assessment of Co2 Exposures, Workload Demands, and Musculoskeletal Disorder Risk on Heart Rate for Select Craft Brewery Job Tasks, David L. Huizen
Occupational Therapy as Part of a Team-Based Approach in Primary Care Settings, Lydia Royeen
Methods for Improving Quality of Care within Acute and Post-Acute Settings, Kelly L. VanKoevering
Dissertations from 2019
Exploring Wheelchair Service Delivery in a Dedicated Seating Department, Cara E. Masselink
The Relationship of an iPad, a Video Magnifier, and Large Print Text with Oral Reading Outcomes for Children with Low Vision, Rosemary L. Nave Stawasz
Comorbid Symptom Treatment in Parkinson’s Disease Using Neurofeedback, JoAnne McFarland O'Rourke
The Impact of a Multisensory Stimulation Environment within a Memory Care Assisted Living Facility, Dana M. Prince
Dissertations from 2018
Concussion in Student Athletes: Prevention, Assessment, and Recovery, Miriam A. Carroll-Alfano
Assessment for Mild Cognitive Impairment: Striving for Best Practice, Julie Leigh Dalmasso
Diabetes Prevention Program: Exploring Spirituality and Spiritual Interventions on Outcomes, Sharon E. Plutko Long
The Impact of Michigan’s Administrative Rule/Policy Change for Nonmedical Vaccine Exemptions, Duduzile Phindile Mashinini
Incidence of Head Injury Among Synchronized Skaters: Rates, Risks, and Behaviors, Gretchen L. Mohney
Assessment of Wildland Fire Fighter Exposure to Carbon Monoxide Using Modified Occupational Exposure Limits, Joshua G. Scott
Comparison of Religious Problem-Solving Styles on the Use of Problem-Focused and Maladaptive Emotion-Focused Coping Related to Financial Strain and Stress, Kirk A. Vander Molen
Examining the Impact of a Criminal Background in Social Work Education, Amy S. Vliek
Dissertations from 2017
An Exploration of Data Mining Approach in Prediction of the Use of Physical and Occupational Therapy in US Adults, Raju Chowdhary
Birth Record Analysis of Gestational Diabetes: Applications for Intervention Planning, Elizabeth L. MacQuillan
Peri-Operative Regional Nerve Blocks (PNB) in the Treatment of Pain in Patients Undergoing Operative Fixation of Lower Extremity Fractures, Joshua K. Radi
Dissertations from 2016
Integration of Professional Identity and Christian Religious Identity in Undergraduate Social Work Students, Lolene K. Bargerstock
Factors Affecting Community Participation in Young Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Molly Bathje
Is Preoperative Functional Status a Predictor of Postoperative Mortality, Morbidity and Quality of Life in Open Heart Patients?, A. Kate MacPhedran
Visual Impairment and Factors Associated with Difficulties with Daily Tasks, Anne T. Riddering
Dissertations from 2015
Exploration of Linguistic and Extra-Linguistic Factors in Stroke Knowledge and Emergency Response: Studies of Input, Output, and Outcome, Laura L. O. Froeschke
Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment: Co-Occurring Evidence-Based Practice Implementation, Alteration, and Fidelity over Time, Jennifer Harrison
Outcomes of Prediabetes and Diabetes Education Programs Tailored for Vulnerable Popuations, Diana Al Sayed Hassan
Choices Related to Maximizing Quality of Life at End of Life, Theresa Lynn
Flow Experiences among Individuals with Aphasia, Thomas W. Sather
Predictors of College Attendance and Persistence among Blind and Visually Impaired Students, Lydia Schuck
Co-Construction of Personal Narratives in Supporting Identity and Communication in Adults with Aphasia: The ‘My Story’ Project, Katie A. Strong
Dissertations from 2014
Meeting the Needs of Students with Traumatic Brain lnjury, Heather K. Koole
The Intersection of Depression, Partner Violence and Poverty during the Perinatal Period, Catherine L. Kothari
Differences in Elementary School Team Communication and Practices for Students of Varied Educational Status, Kathleen Kroll
Using Multi-Objective Value Estimation to Support Predictive Analytics for Human Service Project Management, David D. Wingard
Dissertations from 2013
An Examination of Executive Function, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Fall Risk in Community Dwelling Older Adults, Jennifer A. Blackwood
Quantifying Value in Public Health: Using Economic Methods to Analyze System Change, Theresa M. Green
Impact of Participating in a Short-Term Intervention Model of Sports Education Camps for Children with Visual Impairments, John Michael McMahon
Grip Strength, Multimorbidity, and Disability, Amy M. Yorke
Dissertations from 2012
Vestibular Functioning and Migraines: Comparing Those with and Without Vertigo, Barbara J. Baker
Using Box-Jenkins Modeling Techniques to Forecast Future Disease Burden and Identify Disease Aberrations in Public Health Surveillance Report, Larry C. Garrett
HIV/AIDS Coverage in the Daily Nation Newspaper: A Mixed Methods Content Analysis to Inform Health Promotion and HIV Prevention in Kenya, Shannon Locke McMorrow
Clinically Meaningful Change in Heart Failure: The Six-Minute Walk Test and Daily Activity, Michael J. Shoemaker
Food Selectivity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Associated Factors and Impact on the Family Mealtime Experience, Michelle A. Suarez
Dissertations from 2011
Memory and Language: Evidence of Relationships from Three Studies of School-Age Children, Michele A. Anderson
Local Public Health System Partnerships: A Mixed Methods Multi-State Study, Priscilla A. Barnes
Contemporary Clothing Issues of Women Who Are Post-Mastectomy, Carol Beard
An Examination of Post-Secondary Education Access, Retentionand Success of Foster Care Youth, Angelique Day
Living with Bipolar Disorder: A Qualitative Investigation, Richard P. Freedberg
Exploring the Well-Being of Foster Children of Parents with Substance Abuse Problems in Family Dependency Treatment Courts, Barbara M. Howes
Reluctant to Report: The Mandated Reporting Practices of Child Care Providers, Aileen McKenna
Reading, Writing, and Repetition: Performance on Nonword Measures byStudents With and Without Language-Learning Disabilities, Patricia J. Tattersall
Latina Women’s Reasons for and Experience of Sexual Assault Disclosure: A Qualitative Investigation, Melissa Villarreal
Dissertations from 2010
Orientation and Mobility, Reading, and Math: Analysis of Data for Children with Visual Impairments from the Special Education Elementary Longitudinal Study, Dawn L. Anderson
Grade Point Average as a Predictor of Timely Graduation from Associate Degree Registered Nursing Programs, Delores J. Jackson
Coping with Disaster: Lessons Learned from Executive Directors of Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs) on New Orleans Following Hurricane Katrina, Steven L. Smith
Dissertations from 2009
Measuring Graduating M.S.W. Students' Knowledge of the Steps of Evidence-Based Practice, Kellie D. Cody Jr.
Effects of Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training on Motor Performance, Task Accomplishment and Participation in Persons with Chronic Stroke, Stephanie A. Combs
Visual Impairment and Eye Care among Older Americans: Secondary Analysis of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), Amy L. Freeland
Analysis of Factors Related to Drop-Off Detection with the Long Cane, Dae Shik Kim
Dissertations from 2008
Perceptions of Quality of Life of Latinos with Diabetes Living in the U.S.: Variations by Geographic Region of Origin, Janice M. Long
Radiographic and Functional Analysis of Movement Allowed by Four Wrist Immobilization Devices, Timothy M. Mullen
The Impact of Telemonitoring on Self-Efficacy, Emotional Well-Being, and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or Heart Failure, Jaclyn West-Frasier
Dissertations from 2007
Work Stress, Non-Work Stress and Mental Health Among School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists: Effects of Social Support, Lena Gloria Caesar
A Study of Disaster Preparedness of Rural Hospitals in the United States, Barbara Cliff
A Mixed Methods Analysis of the Concept of Female Sexual Health, Laura C. Ford
Creating a Culture of Safety: The Influence of Medical Simulation on the Attitudes of Surgical Team Members, Diane J. Jones
Effects of Two Parkinson’s Disease Patient Education Models on Disease Self-Management and Quality of Life, Lorraine Pearl-Kraus
A Comparative Study of Learning Styles and Job Satisfaction to Medical Specialty Chosen among Physician Assistant Graduates, Eric H. Vangsnes