Date of Defense


Date of Graduation



Gender and Women's Studies

First Advisor

Susan Freeman

Second Advisor

Danielle Snow

Third Advisor

Angelina Degasperis


Body image and sexual health are inextricably linked. It is crucial for college students to understand the importance of body image within sexual health in order to capture the full scope of sexual well-being, although most existing sexuality education resources for college students fail to make this connection. This thesis demonstrates the necessity for comprehensive sexual health education that incorporates a focus on body image to promote the health and wellness of college students. Using an intersectional outlook, the thesis evaluates existing resources and presents the contents of an original workshop titled “Mind to Mirror to Life: Sexual Health from a Body Positive Lens,” created by the author and presented to student audiences in spring 2020. Assessment by student participants and a critical self-evaluation reveal that the workshop provides a unique, accurate, and relatable educational tool to effectively teach college students about the importance of sexual health as well as the integral role of a healthy body image in sexual well-being.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Open Access

Kacey Richardson Thesis Workshop Evaluation.pdf (14 kB)
Thesis Workshop Evaluation

Kacey Richardson Thesis Workshop Presentation.pdf (144 kB)
Thesis Workshop Presentation
