Date of Defense
Date of Graduation
Speech, Language and Hearing Science
First Advisor
Kelli Pierce
Second Advisor
Laura DeThorne
Third Advisor
Michelle Suarez
By definition, neurodivergent students are those whose brain function differs significantly from societal expectations (Walker, 2014). The term ‘neurodivergent’ is associated with the Neurodiversity Movement. Although the Neurodiversity Movement was spearheaded by the Autistic1 community, the term commonly includes other forms of neurodivergence such as ADHD and dyslexia. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of neurodivergent students in Communication Sciences Disorders (CSD) programs, where systematic data on their demographics and experience is relatively limited. Specifically, this study analysed posts from the online social media platform Reddit that are dedicated to the college experience of neurodivergent students in CSD. We searched channels related to the SLP using key search terms such as neurodivergent and autistic. Once collected and imported into software for qualitative analysis (Atlas.ti), thematic analysis was used to derive key inductive patterns. This research highlights the key themes that emerged from the analysis of the posts and their relative comments reflecting the experiences and challenges of neurodivergent individuals in CSD. These themes included challenges related to ableism, experiences with Applied Behavioural Sciences (ABA), navigating social interactions with peers and educators, and difficulties confirming neurotypical norms. The findings emphasize the importance of creating an inclusive and supportive environment in higher education, particularly in clinical programs like CSD.
1 According to the Sensory Safe team, using Autistic with a capital "A" is a way to show respect for Autistic individuals and celebrate their unique strengths and perspectives. It helps move away from the old-school medicalized language that used to be used to describe Autism (Weldings, 2023)
Recommended Citation
Al Kalbani, Shadha, "Neurodivergent experiences in Communication Sciences and Disorders Programs as reflected in Reddit" (2024). Honors Theses. 3876.
Access Setting
Honors Thesis-Open Access
Included in
Psychiatry and Psychology Commons, Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons, Speech and Hearing Science Commons