Date of Defense
Date of Graduation
Human Performance and Health Education
First Advisor
James Lewis
Second Advisor
Deborah Droppers
Sporting events are a force in the growth and sustainability of a community’s economy. In a market like Kalamazoo, collegiate football games such as those at Western Michigan University and annual events like the Kalamazoo Marathon play a pivotal role in bolstering the economy. This research demonstrates the effects on consumer behavior at restaurants in Kalamazoo, Michigan that are caused by these major sporting events. By examining data from the platform, and conducting interviews with local restaurants, this research examines trends in consumer habits, movements, and engagement. is a platform that tracks location analytics using data collected anonymously from smartphones. Integrating foot traffic data from with testimonies from restaurant personnel in the area and existing research on the topic allows for a picture of the impacts of these events. When these events occur in Kalamazoo, they can serve as a catalyst not only for some of the most prominent economic days, but also for contributing to long-term, sustainable tourism. The results of this dynamic provide actionable insights for local businesses and event organizers seeking to capitalize on the opportunities provided by sporting events.
Recommended Citation
Biel, Nicholas, "The Impact of Major Sporting Events in Kalamazoo on Consumer Behavior" (2024). Honors Theses. 3877.
Access Setting
Honors Thesis-Open Access
Defense Presentation