Date of Defense


Date of Graduation




First Advisor

Karen Lancendorfer

Second Advisor

Greg Gerfen


For the 2023-2024 NSAC AAF Competition, we were challenged to develop a fully integrated national campaign for Tide. Our goal was to increase conversion of laundry loads to cold water among 18-35-year-olds. Instead of focusing entirely on pushing product we had to focus on promoting behavior change, with pushing product as a secondary objective. This wasn’t an easy ask, as there are many barriers in place discouraging people from making the switch to cold. 70% of 18-35-year-olds report that they actively try to minimize their impact on the environment (Deloitte). Yet, we found that only 23% of 18-35-year-olds consider their environmental impact when doing laundry. We focused on the responsibilities, routines, and current perceptions of our target audience in order to understand their current process, and be better able to interrupt it. We utilized the EAST framework (Easy, Attractive, Social, Timely) to overcome the many barriers to cold water wash that our target faces and make clear to consumers the many benefits of washing laundry in cold water. We simplified our message, and kept it specific to make it easy, highlighting the simplicity of turning the dial to cold and using cold water wash. Our creative used simple and relevant reasons to switch to cold water wash, making the change attractive to consumers. We kept out message social, since we’re heavily influenced by those around us and we want cold water wash to be a widespread norm. We created a removable magnet to come with Tide bottles, and be placed on the machine to remind you at the point of decision to turn the dial to cold water wash. 30 cities were chosen for additional media spend, representing 22.39% of 18-35-year-olds in the United States and over 51% of Tide sales. We were given $75milion to reach our target market and we chose to use $57.4million of that on media. This gave us almost 2.2billion impressions on our campaign. We presented this, along with our creative elements in South Bend, IN.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Restricted
